Chapter Fourteen: Time

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Later that evening, when they had just arrived back, Everest had moved off to her own quarters. She had been quiet the majority of the journey, and Sova was worried. She wasn't this quiet normally.

He followed her, and knocked gently on her door, to hear her say; "Come in."

Sova opened the door to see her sitting up on her bed, and a small smile cracked on her face when she saw him. "You alright?"

"Yeah, kinda." She patted the side of her bed, inviting him to come sit with her.

He walked over and sat next to her, and she leaned into his shoulder. He leaned back, against the bedframe, and she did the same. Sova took one of his arms and wrapped it around her, bringing her close to him. The hunter carefully tucked a few stray pieces of her hair behind her ear. She looked up at him with a small smile and sighed softly.

"Sova, I kinda messed up on the mission. Yoru was very vocal about it when we came back...I nearly stopped him from defusing. I apologised to him but he huffed and walked out muttering. I don't know, but I really shouldn't have screwed up on my first spike was a lot more high stakes then the few others I've gone on-"

"Shhh." Sova stroked her soft hair as he spoke. "You may have made a mistake, but that's okay, my love. You're still learning and improving. I failed many times when I was younger and new to the bow. We learn from our mistakes. I will stay closer to you next time, and help you learn. You got that, darling? Don't worry about Yoru, he's insufferable a lot of the time."

Everest drew closer to him. The two lay next to each other, just enjoying each other's presence for a while.

Everest's eyes started to close, and Sova gently began to get up from the bed and leave her to sleep. Her eyes opened again, and she murmured; "Sova, please stay. Even for just tonight?"

He turned back and climbed back in with her, and pulled her into his warm embrace as she began to fall asleep. Sova stayed awake for a little longer, looking with a gentle smile at her lovely sleeping form, before allowing himself to drowse off as well.



Everest stuck close to Sova as they wandered around the shopping district in the city close to the headquarters. Sova had planned something specific, and she tried to get it out of him but he wouldn't budge. He had carefully guided her through the area.

She was familiar with the general layout, having had come here a while ago to buy room decorations; yet she still didn't know where they were going.

Sova stopped her when they approached another store. He guided her inside, and she was instantly met with animals.

So many animals.

A pen filled with small rabbits caught her eye. She made her way over and gently stroked a small white rabbit, who was contented among its peers. Everest looked up to see Sova's gaze switch between her and the rabbit, and without question, he walked over to one of the store employees. He handed a handful of credits to the staff member, and they brought out a carrier and placed the rabbit inside. Sova took it when the employee offered it, and gave it to Everest.

She looked at him with surprise. Then smiled.

Everest hugged him tight as they made it out of the store, and the entire journey back to headquarters, they exchanged glances. She could get lost in his gaze, and not mind. He was perfect to her.

When they got back, Everest gently carried the rabbit to her room and Sova followed, closing the door behind him. Everest let the rabbit outside of his carrier, and he hopped around curiously, acquainting himself with the room. She stroked him when he allowed himself to get close. His fur was like pure silk, warm and soft to the touch.

"Thank you, Sova. You really didn't have to-"

"Shhh, my love. I wanted to. What are you going to name him?"


"A fitting name. Where does it come from?"

"I named him after a famous mountaineer that came from my country. He was the first to conquer my namesake."

"I see. It is a beautiful name for him."

Sova leaned against her as the two sat in her room, playing with the rabbit and talking.


Sova smiled watching the two interact. He had hunted many rabbits in his time, but this one was just for Everest.

Sova loved Everest's pure smile. It brought him joy. He always loved making her laugh.

She was his perfect little dove. His strong, beautiful little dove.

She made him feel. Everest made him feel things he had rarely felt before. It was a feeling that was hard to describe; you had to experience it yourself.

It was deep, new love.

And he will give it all and more to his dove.

Author's note
Thanks everyone for reading! I cannot wait to post my next two chapters in the next couple of days (I'd have to say they're personal favourites of mine)! I would like to thank all of you and more for sticking through this story and reading/voting on it. I appreciate all of you who are looking through my first fanfiction here and found they enjoyed it.

Kudos to all of you. Thank you so much for the odd comment here and there, and the small little votes. Thank you all.

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