Chapter Twenty Five: Never Apart

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Hii everyone! I know its been a while since I last updated this, life happened and well, I didn't have a lot of time.

But fear not! Here is your long awaited conclusion to this story!

Thank you all who followed along :)
Be sure to check out my other story here later if you wish, I'm gonna start being a lot more active in updating things :D



Sova sat by the edge of Everest's bed, looking down on her while she slept, pink scars running across her exposed skin. His gaze softened, as he placed his hand over hers. The hunter's other hand idly brushed the white fur on her jacket collar, smoothing it down.

His fingers moved over Everest, tucking stray strands of hair behind her ear.

Sova looked at her with longing, and opened her hand, carefully coiling a silver pendant inside it.

He glanced at the shiny owl, before closing Everest's fist around it so it would be safe when she woke.

The hunter stayed a while, brushing his hand across hers every so often, patiently watching over her.

When the room began to grow cold, Sova dragged the blankets over her, and leaned down. He tenderly kissed her cheek, before standing.

Sova opened the door, took another look back, and left, letting the door shut behind him.

He strolled to her bedroom, where Hillary lay in his small enclosure, peacefully napping alongside Tibbles, who threatened no harm. 

Sova reached down and carefully picked the little rabbit up into his arms, and held him close to his chest. 

Hillary lay peacefully, his pink nose twitching. 

The hunter moved back into Everest's room, and let Hillary down onto the bed. The little rabbit immediately hopped closer to the girl, and snuggled himself next to her, letting his furry body lean against hers.

Sova watched the two, his gaze soft.

The sleeping form of Everest lay still, unaware of Sova's presence nearby.

The hunter brushed his hand over her arm, before taking her hand in his gently.

He knew this wasn't going to last forever; who knew what she was going to be like when she woke?

Sova didn't care. He swore he would be by her side, and he was not one to break his promises easily.

A sliver of movement startled him. Everest groaned, and her eyes fluttered open, widened by the unfamiliar surroundings.

Sova squeezed her hand, letting her know of her safety.

He leaned down with renewed vigour, and kissed her suddenly. Their lips crashed together, filling his mouth with the taste of the young mountaineer in front of him.

Everest closed her eyes once more, and grabbed the back of his head and his back, pulling him closer to her in a tight embrace.

Sova pulled back, gazing adoringly into her soulful eyes, and they looked back with longing.

He smiled and leaned down, whispering words into her ear that made her grin broadly. She leaned up and kissed him once more, and they embraced closely.

A million thoughts ran through Sova's head, but only one remained.

Even if it wasn't going to last forever, he was more than happy to stay in this moment as long as he could.

Ice and Snow - Sova x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now