Chapter Eight: Navigating Strange Waters

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The sharp scent of disinfectant stung Everest's nose as a small burst of light bloomed across her otherwise-unseeing eyes. It was near-black around her, until she started to hear snippets of conversation. It almost felt as if she were in deep water.

Realizing something had happened, she fought her way to the surface, and as she broke it, the world came into being. Everest slowly opened her eyes, the sight blurry around her. The world came into focus, as the warm lights of the Protocol clinic came into view. Her heart pounded in her chest until she remembered where she was.

Warm, slightly more turquoise tinted lights that Sage had installed herself greeted her, instead of the stark blinding white of normal clinic illumination.

Everest reached a shaky hand to rub her head as she tried to move herself to sit up against the head of the bed she lay on. She noticed movement in the corner of her eye, and drifted her gaze in order to see who sat next to her. It was the Russian hunter, waiting for her.

Sova stood and walked over to her, relief visible on his face. "Let me help," he offered.

Everest didn't object, as Sova helped her sit up ever so gently, and adjusted the sheets so she could be more comfortable. His face was lit up like a beacon, probably very happy she was still alive.

She reached under her shirt, feeling a soft presence of something lying there. Everest noticed a bandage that was blue in color, and looked questioningly at Sova's current cape, taking note of the very obvious strip missing.

She touched the edge of it, and lifted it a little, revealing a red outline of a gunshot wound. Everest lay her hand on it, and looked up at Sova. Her breath hitched as she recalled the earlier event, and the fateful shot.

In all rights, she should be way more seriously injured than this. The fact she got off this lucky was astounding.

"Th-thank you, Sova."

He merely nodded as he smiled. Everest swore she could detect a trace of stress in that smile, and the slightest hint of black under his eyes.

"Please, don't do that ever again. I don't ever want to see you in a pool of your own blood again." Concern was etched on his face.

The girl reached up towards the hunter who stood over her, and she wrapped her arms around him. Surprised, Sova hesitated for a second before returning the hug, and allowed himself to relax into it. The two remained locked, and they embraced each other's warmth.

She let go of him a minute later, albeit a little reluctantly.

The two looked at each other, before Sova looked towards the door. "I should let you rest."

Everest nodded and watched as he opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him.


Sova was in the coffee lounge, seated at one of the intricately made tables. He gripped a warm cup in his hands.

The memory from a few hours before flashed through his head, over and over again. He relived the moment where Everest reached up to envelop him in her arms after he had helped her, and he couldn't get it out of his head.

She was warm, and the furs on her shoulder were as soft as his own. Her hands were gentle around his chest, and she let herself relax into it, as did he. Everest's breath was soft against his shoulder. The hunter loved the feeling of her tight against him.

While the two were locked in the embrace, a feeling had shown itself in his heart. A strange new one, one he was unsure of. Sova could only describe it as the feeling of warmth incarnate, as a feeling that made his heart pound.

Ice and Snow - Sova x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now