Chapter Thirteen: In A Bind

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(Timeskip of about a month after a bet won and security lost)


It had been a month. Ample time for her fellow sentinels and duelist to set up their new perimeter defense system against the man named Ravinskar.

Everest sat close to Sova on the trip to Morocco, both holding their weapons. They were going to Rabat, code-named Bind. According to Brimstone, activity had been monitored, and they had been sent along with Breach, Chamber, and Yoru to sort it out.

The jet jolted as it descended, and a familiar British voice came over the intercom. "Oh look! We're here, and check it out. I didn't crash this time!"

"What do you mean, this time?" replied Sova. "Have you been taking this thing out joyriding?"

"Nah, definitely not."


"Okay, fine. Yeah, maybe once or twice. You can't blame me though.'' Phoenix stopped the Vulture as it landed. "Good luck team, and don't die. Yeah?"

The team jumped out, landing on the soft, sandy floor of Bind. It looked peaceful in the darkening light of the early evening. Sova motioned for Breach, Chamber and Yoru to move towards A site. It was larger, therefore needed more people to defend. Everest and the hunter both moved to B site.

The mountaineer summoned two fragments of ice, and placed them in the entrance of garden and hookah, ready to trap unsuspecting enemies in their cold grasp.

She then posted herself on the opposite side of Sova, ready for a potential crossfire if needed.

The two stayed there for what seemed to be an age.

Static sounded in their earpieces as the irritated voice of Yoru came over the intercom. "Multiple enemies through on A site. Only five by the looks of it. Get here now, lovebirds."

Everest clicked on her microphone to reply, but thought better of it. "On our way."

She adjusted her rifle so she had a better grip on it, and started jogging to A site, along with Sova following her.

Everest split up with Sova as they arrived, and allowed him to go up the ramp into heaven while she went through a small tunnel leading on site.

She carefully cleared her corners, and moved alongside Breach who fell into step with her.

They were slow, but cautious. She could hear something initiate, and a glimpse of steel with blue highlights caught her eye, on the edge of a box next to a truck. A small cloud of smoke whooshed from it, and it started to beep periodically.

Footsteps were heard along the location, and in other places.

Everest pushed herself behind cover just as the barrel of another rifle appeared, and took a breath. She looked over at the Frenchman stationed on Heaven, with his large golden sniper. He shot once.

The loud sound of a brass bullet echoed through; an intimidating noise created by the sniper rifle. "Excusez moi," Chamber said. "One down.''

Everest was glad that he was on her side. Chamber had exquisite aim. She would hate to be the team that had to go up against it.

Cautiously, Everest made her way into lamps. She rounded the right corner, and cleared it with nobody there.

She left lamps and went just behind the teleported Killjoy had told her about. From there, she could clearly see the machine; a tall circular machine. Killjoy had called it the 'spike'.

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