Chapter Three: We Are VALORANT

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This is going to be the first chapter where Sova gets a POV. He may get more during the course of the story.
Everest and the stranger called Phoenix walked through the forest for a while, coming upon the edge of the forest, before he pressed a button in his ear and spoke softly.

"We're at extraction. Come get us"

A deafening whine of a jet filled the air as a grey shape appeared above them. Kicking up wind as it approached, it slowly came down upon the flat ground. Phoenix smiled as he ran and jumped onto the platform as the door opened, and he turned back towards Everest.

"Come on." He said, encouraging her to step forward. Phoenix held out his hand towards the girl, who took his hand gently. The man pulled her up onto the platform, where she stumbled slightly.

Helping her towards a seat, Phoenix sat her down and sat across from her himself.

The jet lifted off of the ground quite quickly, as Phoenix kicked back and lounged on the seat in front of him, while Everest sat quietly in the corner seat.


The journey was spent in near-silence, with the occasional joke the British man tried to crack.

A soft whine interrupted the quiet air, accompanied by the feeling of descent. The jet jarred slightly as it landed on something, before stopping and the sounds cutting off.

The side door slid open with a hiss. Phoenix jumped up and barrelled out the door, while Everest stood and walked over to the door, and hesitated before doing the same as Phoenix.

She landed onto a soft dusty ground with a large helipad on it, and straightened herself to see a large compound ahead of her.
Everest looked up at the sheer height of it before looking down to see Phoenix motioning her towards the entrance. She followed him before he stopped at the door to swipe a keycard, then the two of them walked through into a cool air-conditioned space.

Sova leaned against the second-floor balcony, looking down towards the lobby of the Protocol compound.

The door suddenly opened with a hiss, and two figures walked through. Phoenix and...a stranger. Possibly the new recruit Brimstone was talking about trying to contact.

She had golden hair, and curiously, was wearing gear meant for cold weather. A light grey coat trimmed with white fur, most noticeably and heavily around the collar. The girl also had dark trousers, with a brown belt holding a couple of poles.

It looked slightly similar to his own gear, surprisingly. This was a person who knew the mountains, it seemed; maybe as much as he had learned from the peaks himself.

The hunter watched the two of them walk through the spaces, where Phoenix directed her to Brimstone's office, where he would help set her up in the Protocol.

Sova pushed himself back and started to stroll towards the office, intrigued by the girl.

A noise buzzed in his ear as he pressed the communication earpiece. "Sova, I need you in my office. As quickly as possible, please," said the voice of Brimstone, their commander.

He smiled a little as he opened the door to see Brimstone and the girl sitting across from each other, and he himself took a seat in the chair next to the commander.

Sova could tell the girl was nervous as he looked at her. He couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her, with her cold beauty even though she was nervous.

He shook his head to clear it as he listened to Brimstone's report and introduction of the new girl, who was called Everest.

Everest sat quietly in the soft chair that had been provided for her in Brimstone's office. She answered questions as they came the best she could.

Across from the man they called Brimstone sat another man, one clad in similar gear to her, especially with the cold-weather clothes like the furs. He kept looking at her, and she thought it was strange.

He wore a blue cape with brown and grey clothing, and white/yellow furs on his collar. His hair was a beautiful pale gold.

The meeting started to move towards a close, as Brimstone turned to the man opposite him. "Sova," he said. "I trust that you are able to show her around and bring her to her own quarters once you're done?"

Sova stood up, and Everest followed suit. He opened the door and allowed her to go through first.

The two walked back through the compound and Sova showed her around the place; telling her where the kitchen was, where the main lounge was, where the armoury and mission prep was, the range's location, and a myriad of other places. This took the rest of the day.

After Sova had finished, he walked her to a corridor with many doors along the sides. They all had a number and a name-tag adorning them. All of them were names she didn't recognise; Jett, Raze, Breach, Sage, and a lot more.

They stopped at a white door with the number 20 written on it, and Everest's name inscribed on the tag. Sova smiled and gently left her, walking away himself to go do the other duties he was responsible for, having finished Brimstone's task.

Everest looked around at the other few doors around her and their name tags: Cypher and Skye seemed to be right next to her, while Sova's room was opposite.

She gingerly opened the door and walked into the room assigned to her.

No decorations lay inside just yet; it was clear to see that it had been left for herself to personalise as she wished. Everest walked inside and sat down on the comfortable double bed in the corner, and relaxed. She was safe, maybe she didn't need to worry about her being a Radiant for a little while.

A small black shape on the desk caught her eye. She stood and walked over to it, and picked it up.

It was a small tablet. Everest flicked the screen up and was surprised to see emails and voicemails left by people she didn't know, but had addressed to her.

Everest sat back down on the bed and decided to look through her emails before looking at the voicemails.

The first email she came upon was from someone called Reyna.

Hello, Everest.
I am excited to see a new Radiant join the Protocol. We must chat sometime; I think we'd get along. If you wish, I can be your primary mentor to help with your new powers. Please, let me know if you want the help.

She was intrigued by the offer, and sent a message back to her agreeing to the help.

Everest scrolled through more of the emails; most of them were welcome messages sent by a lot of the others that seemed to be stationed at Protocol.

She moved on to the voicemails, and opened the first one.

Greetings, Everest. My name is Sage, and I am the second leader here. Please, make yourself at home. We put some credits into an account for you, that you can use as you want; to decorate, to do anything. You'll be paid often, so don't worry about spending it all.

Welcome to VALORANT, we are all very pleased to have you as our newest agent. I hope you will feel comfortable and safe here, and make some good new friends.

If you have any questions, at all, feel free to contact me either digitally or in person, and I'll be happy to help you navigate your early steps into our family of agents.

See you soon.

Everest smiled as she went through the rest of them, which were really more welcome messages and instructions. She then opened up her account, which Sage had sent her the details of. A neat sum of twenty thousand credits popped up, and she looked in surprise. It was a lot of money.

Everest swiped through another few sets of utility the tablet had, to find a map of the compound. She saved it for later use, it would come in handy.

A soft knock on the door made Everest jump, and she placed the tablet down and moved towards the door. She opened it to see a tall women in grey robes and a long black ponytail greet her. "Hello, Everest. There's a celebration in the common room for your arrival. If you like, come with me and I can show you there."

Everest nodded and closed the door behind her, and followed Sage, steeling herself to meet new people; she didn't know what they were like, but maybe, just maybe, they were good people.

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