Chapter Twenty Two: Operation Owl

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Everest moved through the Kingdom compound, making her way to the training range when radio static sounded in her earpiece. "Movement detected at the south border. Unit 4 please respond to the disturbance."

She shook her head and moved on, before stopping. Snippets of call-outs rang.

"Jeez, what was that? We need backup, send them now! We got a shit ton of explosives igniting along with a group of intruders who passed the border!"

Gunshots and cries were heard through the comms. Everest sprinted to the training armoury and picked up a Vandal, loaded it, and placed multiple magazines in her coat pockets.

She exited the armoury and made her way to the main area of the Kingdom compound. A strange feeling passed through her, as if there was a presence around, but she saw nobody. Phantom sounds of footsteps brushed past.

Everest ran along the room, rifle in hand, moving towards the lower cell blocks, following the steps.

She arrived, and took a few seconds to breathe before stepping into a room.

The door was already wide open, and there was nobody inside.

Sova had disappeared.

The only few reminders that anyone had been there was the streaks of red on the floor, the chains littering the ground, and a strange blue residue, which shifted its hue every few seconds.

She looked around carefully, before turning and walking out, and made her way back to the main area.

This had probably been a rescue plan staged by the rebels to take back their hunter. Ravinskar would not be happy that he was gone.

Lost in her thoughts, she walked through, before a loud bang snapped her attention towards it. The doors buckled and swung open, clearly having been forced.

Two people walked in, rifles and pistols in hand. Everest cocked her own as she stared them down.

She identified the front agent as Omen, with Phoenix walking directly behind him. They advanced on her.

Everest took her rifle and adjusted it so it was comfortable with only one hand gripping it, and raised the other. Two small fragments of ice appeared, and she smiled softly.

She took the two and threw them, and they scattered along the floor. Everest closed her fist and said a word, and it promptly exploded, causing spikes of ice to push up through the floor and ring around the two. Realizing the danger, they made their way to get out of it as Everest fired a few shots. The two fired back, but only grazed her.

A lucky bullet from Phoenix hit her on her shoulder, which caused her to cry out. She shook it off and conjured up a blizzard in her palm. She pushed it forward, similar to her encounter with Sova, and it created her signature ramp of snow, blocking a part of the room and giving her cover.

She then put her hands together and pushed out, causing a long spear of ice to point out from the ramp.

Finally, she took her vandal and raised it to her shoulder again, and released a torrent of bullets at the two.

Her rifle clicked empty, and she took precious time to remove the mag and replace it.

She heard a few quick steps behind her, but didn't manage to turn in time. A strong arm encircled her neck, placing her in a chokehold. Everest caught a quick glimpse of green eyes and a mask. Viper.

She felt the chemist's other arm rest on her shoulder, and she placed it at the sufficient angle needed, so that it went just past Everest's ear.

Everest dropped the gun and raised her hands to try and get Viper's arm off her, but the woman didn't budge. In response, she started to gently apply pressure to Everest's neck.

Everest felt herself losing control, and clawed at Viper's arm. Slowly, her vision faded as her movements grew weaker, and she fell to the void that was sleep.

Viper continued to hold Everest for a few seconds longer, to make sure she had fallen unconscious. The chemist then lowered her to the floor gently. She pulled out a pair of Radianite cuffs and restrained Everest with a deft hand, making sure she would still be comfortable despite being firm.

"Everest secured. Let's get us out of here." She said into her earpiece, relaying the information to Brimstone. "Sova is also back with us, waiting in the jet."

Omen and Phoenix lifted Everest, as Viper picked up the fallen Vandal, and walked back with them outside the compound. They had to be extremely cautious, who knew if there were still Kingdom employees, especially Ravinskar, tracking them down. 

They moved at a brisk pace, careful not to injure Everest further, until they arrived at the jet. The two lay Everest inside, on a few of the chairs, and Phoenix made his way into the cockpit of the jet, and lifted off.

A few of the Valorant agents lay in the jet, injured, some lightly and some heavily.

Sova looked at Everest with a sad smile. He didn't look great himself, with multiple bruises, cuts, and various injuries ranging from serious to mild, but he didn't mind them. Sova was only concerned about her injuries; her hidden bruises underneath her arm gauntlets; her hidden scars.

He missed his love, and he had her back now; but did he really? Could he undo what Ravinskar had done?

Only time could tell.

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