Chapter Fifteen: No Longer A Safe Haven

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Everest held her rifle with a tight grip, carefully clearing each corner leading into C Site. The only sounds around was Sova's heavy breathing near her, and the quiet rush of wind through the trees.

VALORANT had been negligent in taking care of Haven. Now they had to take it back from the attackers who had infiltrated it.

Everest nodded to Sova, and the two pushed in together. It was very quiet. Almost a bit too quiet.

All that presented themselves was a seemingly empty site. Nothing much to see.

Suddenly, a deafening shot split through the air. It was loud and heavy, very similar to an Operator.

Everest jumped back, startled by the bright tracer of smoke left by the bullet in its haste. It had embedded itself not a metre from them.

Footsteps sounded. Small shouts filled the air, as the Kingdom soldiers revealed themselves from their hiding places.

Everest looked up from the ground, and held her gun next to Sova, carefully trying to keep the Kingdom agents in her sights. They didn't shoot yet, staring her down.

The silence held, both sides threatening each other with their weapons.

Until it broke.

Gunfire poured out between the Kingdom soldiers and the duo. Bullets sprayed, catching them in multiple areas, but they returned fire. Many Kingdom agents dropped to the ground, but there were always more to replace them.

Everest moved to the side, getting away from the brunt of the heavy fire, while Sova tried to get to her, but couldn't. A long, heavy spray of rifle and machine gun fire separated the two.

Everest took a deep breath, before peeking out from behind her cover. A round of bullets zoomed past her, and nicked her in the side. She ran forward, gunning down those in her path, before closing her eyes and pulling her hand behind herself, touching the comforting weight of a flagpole.

The sniper stationed in long shot periodically, the bullets barely whizzing past her love, who was fighting his own battles.

Sharp, recurrent bursts of pain struck up her side, and through her arms, reminding her of her many nicks and bullet wounds she sustained during the fight so far.

Everest darted to another point of cover, behind another set of green radianite boxes. Rapid bursts of gunfire continued to ring, as her own eyes met a Kingdom soldier who was charging towards her, gun at the ready. She ducked under his spray, bringing herself back to her full height just as he reached close to her. The girl tried to shoot her rifle, and only one bullet popped out.

Damnit. Out of ammo.

She couldn't replace the mag. There was no time to. Everest brought her half-gloved fist up, and hit the man in the jaw, pushing him backwards in shock at the hard impact.

Looking around, she dug an extra clip out of her coat, and replaced the empty one, tossing it to the ground.

Her heart stopped when another sniper bullet streaked past, and was barely an inch away from Sova. He was locked in his own battle against another soldier, and didn't notice the sniper.

Everest looked around again, before taking a breath and ripping the flagpole off of her back. She planted her feet on the floor and slammed the pole into it , and a rippling effect stunned part of the ground.

Slowly, then faster and faster, rose ice. It was tinged a light blue, and rose sharply high into the air. Everest tried to keep her balance on it as it shuddered. A loud rumbling noise accompanied the cliff.

Ice and Snow - Sova x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now