Chapter Twenty One: An Interrogation and Revamped Plans

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The various Valorant agents stood around Brimstone's office, staring down the man.

Omen stood in a corner, clutching a small white rabbit who was content. His claws were gentle as he stroked the creature. Another orange cat wound around his legs, and meowed.

"We had to leave him for the time being, there were way too many for us to successfully deal with,'' argued Omen, fed up with Reyna's complaining.

"If you had just let me deal with the pitiful criaturas, we wouldn't have this problem, and Sova and Everest would be back here with us!" Reyna retorted.

"Reyna, what you guys did at the time was right. We couldn't afford any more losses and unnecessary bloodshed; even if they did take a couple of our own," said Brimstone tiredly. "We will get them both back, however."

Reyna stood back, arms crossed. "Cariño, you better hope we get them back. Or there'll be hell to pay."

Cypher nodded along with the rest. He coughed into his hand. "If I may, Brimstone."

Brimstone stepped to the side, allowing the Moroccan to talk.

"Based on the communications from our failed recovery mission, its safe to say getting our Everest back may not be as simple as it seems.

We're all familiar with Ravinskar, yes? Our last rogue agent turned Kingdom operative? We all know his abilities with words and being able to persuade people easier then others? Here, I want you all to listen to this audio file I took from my databases."

Cypher played back an audio transmission, where they all listened to the last few words of Everest and Sova.

"It has been seven months since the last time we saw her. This has given Ravinskar ample time to work with her, and it seems he has succeeded to some regard. This means that it will be hard to get her back willingly, and help restore her.

So, I propose a plan. We'll have Yoru, with his riftwalking capabilities, to get us inside. I want Raze to create a distraction for us, while our riftwalker picks up Sova. I want Breach to work with her, as you two already are good at creating chaos.

Viper and Omen will go inside next, and find Everest. Now this is where it becomes tricky. She might not want to come back on her own. Omen, I will need you to try and calm her, or at least distract her, while Viper incapacitates her in order to be able to transport her out easily. A few guards will monitor this quite closely, so Jett, I will need you to take them out for me.  Reyna, I need you to back them up.

Pheonix, I will want you to pilot the Vulture for us; just don't be irresponsible please. Skye, I want you to go with in the jet, to be prepared to assist in the fight if needed and to heal minor wounds. Sage will stay at base, to prepare for the arrival of Sova and Everest, who may be injured. Is this okay with everyone?"

They nodded in unison, except Reyna, who took a step forward.

"I will agree, only if you promise to leave Ravinskar to me, without any interruptions."

Cypher looked to Brimstone, who sighed, nodding his head, before glancing back to Reyna. "I'm sure we can arrange that."


"Alright. We move out this evening. Get your preparations done as quickly as you can. Let's get them back!" Brimstone said, crossing his arms.


Sova sat on a cold metal chair in front of an imposing table. It was wildly different to the one that Everest was in; that one was a lot more comfortable and friendly-looking.

This one just seemed like a proper cell. Gray walls, with an iron door at the edge of it. It was cold inside; a lot colder to the temperatures he had grown used to.

At least it wasn't dark. It was brightly illuminated by a stark white light on the ceiling.

His neck hurt like hell. Probably where Ravinskar had inserted the sedative, if he recalled correctly.

Sova looked towards his lower leg, and grimaced when he saw a long streak of dried crimson blood leading from a small hole. He tried to touch it gently, and stopped halfway. Pain struck him like a hammer, hard and fast.

It could've been broken, he had to guess. Or at least, a really bad injury especially where Ravinskar had shot him.

Sova was confused. Everest wasn't acting like herself; she hurt him. The Everest he knew would never do that.  She called him a liar, a rebel, someone who was using her. It felt wrong to him. Seven months she'd been lost to him. Seven months of anxiety, seven months of not knowing.

He worried even more about Ravinskar.

The fact that Everest accepted his praise and obeyed him when he came in disturbed him as well. She had a strong spirit; one hard to break. Yet it seemed he had twisted her beliefs and ideologies, which was a feat in itself. The damn Radianite powers he had was hell to deal with. He knew that the longer she stayed under his influence, the harder it would be to restore her previous beliefs and state of mind. The side effects of his powers.     

Sova studied the room, looking for an exit. Even if he found one, it would be tricky to actually use it.

The comforting weight of his augmented bow and quiver was missing from his back. They probably took it from him while he was under.

He leaned his head back to study his restraints. His hands were tightly bound behind his back with a strong pair of cuffs, with a thick chain leading from them into a bolt in the wall. Manacles encircled his feet, bolted to the same place as the cuffs.

The chair itself was nailed into the floor, and refused to move.

The hiss of a door opening drew his attention. A man walked in with a smug swagger, and stood in front of Sova. "Greetings, hunter. I'm sure you already know of me, but my name is-"

"Ravinskar. I know. What did you do to Everest?" Sova hissed.

He gave a small laugh, before looking to the side of the room, and meeting the hunter's eyes once again.

"What did I do? I merely showed her the truth, and the better place to rest her loyalties. Rebel scum like you couldn't show her true potential to herself, so I did. I trained her here, and seeing from the way she took you down, she learned well."

"You're gonna regret taking her from us. We're gonna take her back, and it will be trouble for you, traitorous hellspawn!"

"Ah, but in there lies the beauty of things. Recall earlier? She doesn't want to go back, Sova. She wants to stay here, didn't you see?''

Ravinskar leaned against the wall as Sova glared at him.

"Anyway, enough on that topic. You need to have no concern about Everest, she's where she belongs. Now, I want to talk about you. Unfortunately, I do not have all the information I need, but you do.''

"You can certainly try, but I'm not giving you anything," said Sova.

"We'll soon see then. First question...Where exactly is your new base of operations?''

Sova turned his head to the side, refusing to answer. Ravinskar stepped closer.

"Like I said before. I'm not budging. You were part of us once. Don't you know? Oh, thats right. We changed it after you betrayed our trust."

Ravinskar brought his fist up and clocked Sova on the jaw, a dark spot starting to form. He reached underneath his jacket and pulled out a razor sharp knife, the edge gleaming underneath the harsh illumination.

"Let's try this again, shall we?"

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