Chapter Seventeen: A Woven Reality

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Sova sat in Everest's room, quietly holding her cape and staring at it. Slowly, he took a cloth and started rubbing away the blood and dirt on it, careful not to ruin the threading. He ran his hand softly over the sheets on her bed. The hunter took a shaky breath as he raised up the cleaned cape. Her little rabbit, Hillary, bounded over her floor and onto her bed, sniffing the air around the cape. Almost as if he knew she was gone and missed her.

His pure, strong love had been lost to him. She had been taken from his grasp.

She was in deep trouble. And it was his fault. The only thing he had to remind him of his failure was the cape. If he hadn't shot, if he had waited-

She would be safe. With him again.

But she wasn't. They were apart.

Even a few days after the incident, it still hurt. Whenever he walked in the halls, he got sympathetic glances from many of the agents. Some of them came up and offered to talk, but he always refused. He had caused this. So he had to face his own consequences, his own hurt, his own loss.

Sova carefully folded the cape and placed it on Everest's bed, and opened the door, taking a glance back into it. A pang struck in his heart; had she been safe, she would be sitting right there with a smile.

He closed the door, and moved towards the common area, where he saw the commander sitting at a table with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

Sova slid into the seat opposite.

"Sova." Brimstone acknowledged him, looking up from his work.

"Brimstone. Have you any plans to rescue Everest?"

Brimstone sighed, and put his cup down. "I'm sorry, Sova. It's simply both too dangerous and risky to try right now. Cypher is on the case of trying to find out where she is being held. Who even knows how many Kingdom employees will be there alongside her; I do not want to lose any more agents. With the added danger of knowing Ravinskar is back, I'm even more worried. We will get her back, but it will not be right now. I will not put the lives of the rest of my agents in danger for one until I can minimise the risk involved. I'm sorry, but you need to wait."

"Wait?! With all due respect, commander, I can't wait! She's one of our own! The longer we don't retrieve her, the longer she is in Ravinskar's influence, and we all know how that could end. We need to get her back before he-"

"Enough, Sova. You will wait, and we will retrieve her. Please, be patient with us. Don't let your personal emotions get in the way of this. Wait."

Sova closed his eyes and stood. "Yes, commander," he said, reluctantly.


Everest's mind had finally cleared. Her thoughts were sharp.

She wandered around the room she was being held in, and tried to look for subtle exits and ways to possibly circumvent the heavy outside locks on the doors, but to no avail.

It was tightly secured, and it wasn't like she could just use her Radiance to get herself out; what with the ice spear and everything.

She couldn't feel that power inside her like Reyna had taught her. Everest sat in the chair at the table and studied the bracelet accompanying the cuffs.

It looked suspiciously similar to the material that KAY/O used for his knife. Probably the source of her suppression.

She couldn't take it off. It wouldn't let her and the binding on it was too strong. It had fit her wrist almost perfectly, like it had been made for her.

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