Chapter Four: New Family

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Everest walked silently with Sage through the compound, before arriving at the common room. She entered to see what seemed like the majority of the protocol; all different and unique to one another. They all looked at her with a warm smile, and she sat down in the corner, unsure.

They all introduced themselves one by one, and Everest tried her best to learn everyone's names and remember them.

There was an explosive, excitable young girl called Raze, who was very energetic towards everyone.

There were way more than just her though.

A pair of fast girls called Neon and Jett, who seemed to love racing each other.
The two healers, Sage and Skye, who were very kind. Plus, Skye was Australian, so she came from close to home.
A woman called Viper, who seemed to dislike everyone, including a man named Chamber who kept trying to make advances on her. Unsuccessfully, of course. Money doesn't seem to impress the American scientist.
The two bulky men, Breach and Brimstone. According to everyone, Breach was technically a convict even though he was an amputee, and Brimstone was ex military.
There was a man sitting in the corner, clad in white-brown robes and a white hat, wearing a black mask as well. He seemed to like keeping to himself as well. A little ways from him sat a woman with black and grey hair, wearing henna and Turkish clothes. The two hackers, Cypher and Fade. Or at least she thought thats who they were.
A lone shadow sat near, knitting something with a bright blue ball of yarn, and a little orange cat sleeping on his lap.
There probably would've been more, but maybe they were busy or something and not able to come through.

Raze got up to fetch something, and came back with a hefty container. She put it down on the ground, and Breach laughed before opening it. She left again to go do something.

He passed around various different kinds of beer to everyone, and sat down again. While Raze was gone, Breach shared many stories from his own criminal life, and Sova shared tales of great hunts in the mountains of Russia. Everest was intrigued; it seemed she wasn't the only one who loved the cold and high places of the world.

She leaned forward with the drink in her hand as she listened to the hunter, and smiled as she thought of her own mountain travels.

A couple hours later

Suddenly, the lights cut out, and Everest straightened, looking around at everyone else in the dark.

A rumble hit the ground, shaking it ever so slightly. Then, a sharp shout came from one side of the room.
"Let's start this party!"

Different lights flicked on. They were multicoloured, and the lights moved as Everest saw Raze at the edge of a desk. She placed a large bass speaker down and blared music out.

The rest of the protocol had wide smiles on their faces as they stood and started to celebrate.

Everest stayed in the corner, watching the rest of the group do their thing. She was unsure about joining in, seeing the large group socialise; they all knew each other, she didn't.

Cypher stood up from the other corner and moved towards her. He sat down next to her, tilting his hat to say hello. "Don't like crowds much, do you?" Inquired the man, looking at her.

"Well- not really..." said Everest, folding her arms.

"Ah, me neither. Let's get away from the crowd, hm? You seem like a bright girl,'' Cypher told her. "I want to show you a few things; maybe it would be nice to have a little help.''

Interested, Everest nodded and the two stood, and opened the door quietly, walking out.

Cypher and Everest walked through the silent halls, leaving the bass-boosted party behind. The sound of their boots stepping on the floor reverberated through the place, before they arrived at a reinforced iron door. Cypher gently opened it with a key taken from his pocket, and he stood to the side. "Ladies first.''

Everest walked through, and Cypher followed behind, and closed the door behind him.

She looked around at the many monitors around the space, all showing live feeds from a myriad of places, including the perimeter of the compound.

"This is my office, Everest. You are welcome here, should you ever need help or someone to talk to." Cypher moved over to one of the desks, and picked up two messes of wires and steel, and handed one to Everest. He motioned towards another desk, one that had tools laying on it. "Later, I may give you a key so that you can come in whenever you like. Also, perhaps you can help me keep account of everything that happens, and help with my beautiful cameras. "

"Come, Everest. Let me teach you how to make a good camera."

Everest nodded, and stepped towards the desk, and sat down on one of the chairs. Soft Moroccan music started to fill the air, and Everest smiled a little. It was beautiful.

Cypher picked up a couple of tools and showed Everest how to use them. He did this for every tool that lay there, and showed her step by step how to covert the wires and steel into a working, functional camera.

A few hours passed, and Everest enjoyed every moment of creating the camera. She smiled as she placed hers down onto the desk, and Cypher looked up to see it. He took it gently, and looked it over before nodding his approval. "Well done."

Everest's smile grew a little bigger. She had learnt something new.

"Now, if you like, you can keep it. I might have an excursion sometime to set up new cameras to further my vision, why don't you come with me? You can install your own." Cypher offered.

"Sure, I guess. I would be happy to come with you." Everest replied, sitting back in her chair.

"Great. Now, it would be good to get some rest, hmm?" Cypher stood, and pushed his chair away from the worktable. He helped Everest up, and opened the door, slipping something into her pocket.

The broker closed it behind them, and walked her to her door. She opened it and said goodnight to Cypher, and entered the room, letting the door shut.

Everest sat onto her bed and felt in her pocket, and drew out a small key. It was dark brown with white and gold highlights, which made it beautiful. She smiled as she tucked it away in a safe space.

Everest lay back in her soft bed, and checked the time. 2:34am.

She put her phone down, and placed her watch next to her on the dresser. Everest could still hear the bass of Raze's music blasting strong through the floorboards, and the slightest hint of music rushing through the hallway.

Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.

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