Chapter Eleven: Indecision

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Sova sat on the far end of the Vulture, gazing at Everest, with a longing. He was sure it wasn't a passing thing, he had felt like this for a long time. He liked her, but didn't know how to express it.

The hunter recalled earlier to his conversation with Chamber. He didn't even know if it was a good idea, or if Chamber had any experience in this at all, but he had actually provided some solid advice on the way to S-22.

"Mon ami, all you need to do is be upfront about it, yes? Just tell the girl how you feel!'' The Frenchman had told him. "Maybe accompany it with a gift, if you like."

Sova mulled over ideas in his brain, until he came up with something that was amazing. He nodded to himself, as he imagined how it would look on her.

As soon as the Vulture landed, Sova got up, and jumped back out first. Pheonix had already exited and was leaning against the cockpit doors like when they first lifted off. "Damn, Sova. You look like you're in a hurry."

Sova acknowledged him, but didn't reply to his comment. Instead, he went through the main entrance towards his room. Surprisingly, he didn't stop at his own, but continued towards Omen's, who's was decently close to his own. He knocked at the door, and took a step back when it abruptly opened, revealing a shadow clad in many bandages and a hood. "Greetings, Sova. Come in," he said, gesturing to the room behind him.

A small meow broke through the air, and a small orange cat brushed against Sova's leg. "There you are, Tibbles," Omen said, with relief sounding in his gravelly voice. Sova swore it was almost like he was smiling, as his blue slits opened slightly.

Omen reached down and picked up the cat gently, and started to stroke it as it nuzzled him. The shadow gently felt the blue and dark navy, hand-knitted sweater the cat was wearing, and the cat leaned into the touch.

"Sova, it is a pleasure to see you again. Did you have need of my assistance?"

"Da. There is this girl I like, and I want to make her a gift, but I'm not too sure how to make it on my own. I thought, with your expertise, you may be able to help me? Teach me how to do it for her?''

"Yes. I could do that. What are you planning for her?"

Sova unclasped his cape and held it towards Omen. "Something like this. I already have a design in mind, so what do you think?"

Omen looked at his cat, who had fallen asleep in his arms, before looking back to Sova. "Hmm.. we can do that. Come, take a seat over here, and we can get started. Just give me a minute to put Tibbles to sleep in his bed, and I will be there.''

Omen walked off to a different part of the room, and Sova could hear little murmurings and whispers, as he sat down next to the desk Omen had pointed to.

The shadow came back soon, and took the seat right next to him. Sova picked up a bundle of white thread, coupled with gray and light blue thread, along with brown. Omen handed him a pair of sewing needles, as he was not knitting here. "Okay, my friend. Look here, and do what I do," said Omen, slowly going through the motions of how to do it.

Slowly, the cape began to take form, row by row of thread. Hours had passed, but it was no matter to Sova. All he was focused on was Omen's teaching, and the project in front of him.

He threaded the last few sets of thread, and held it out in front of him for Omen to see. 

It was a beautifully made white-as-snow cape. The white slowly faded into a light blue near the base, depicting a brown owl flying over a light grey mountain peak.

"Well done, Sova."

"Thanks again for helping me, Omen. I appreciate it."

"Do not worry. It was my pleasure."

A smile cracked across Sova's face as he imagined giving it to Everest, and maybe seeing how she felt towards him, too.


Everest was in the common room along with a few of the other agents. Fade was brewing her twentieth cup of Turkish coffee for the evening, while Neon relaxed on one of the couches. Jett was cooking something in the kitchen, and the two engineers, Killjoy and Raze, were comparing prototypes of some-or-other project.  

Everest watched as the Turkish Radiant sat down next to Neon, shadows underneath her eyes like she didn't really sleep well. Neon wrapped her arm around Fade, consoling her. 

Everest considered multiple points in her mind. Sova's concern over whatever the runes were, and the stranger, who she guessed was Ravinskar; his call out to the agents. He told them to 'take care of their mountain' for him. She couldn't help but feel it was almost a reference to her, along with the fact that 'Mountain' was her code name as well. The correlation between the two was strong, and she felt worried about it.

The door buzzed, and Sova walked in. His eyes drifted among the agents socialising, until they fell on Everest.    
"Everest, can you come with me? If you're available, of course."


Everest stretched out her arms as she stood, and waved a farewell to her fellow agents, and followed Sova out the door.

He took her down the winding corridors, before stopping just outside his room. The hunter opened the door and guided her inside. "Everest, the thing is. From the moment I really got to know you, you were the first to make my heart race. You never failed to make me feel peaceful around you. You are beautiful, and your personality even more so. I wasn't sure about telling you now, and I'm still not, but," Sova rubbed his head, a hint of red creeping through his face. "...I like you, okay. I don't know how you feel, but I made something for you. As a gift.''

Sova drew out a long white cape, near-identical to his own, and showed it to Everest. She gasped slightly as she studied the handiwork, the details in the emblems.

Everest looked to the side of her eye before glancing back. She let out a quick breath. "It's lovely Sova. I'm glad you came and told me about it. I was worried about confronting you about it as well.

I like you too. You were the first to make me feel at home here. Thank you."

A smile lit up the Russian's face as the words left Everest's lips. He moved behind her, and clasped the cape around her neck with a bright silver owl pin.

Everest laughed softly as she felt the silky thread of the cape in her fingers, and as Sova leaned down and wrapped his arms around her, almost hesitantly. She leaned against him, content in his warmth and elated to hear he felt what she felt.

The two held in their embrace, for what seemed like an age.

They were content, and content in each other.

(Hey everyone! I'm kinda unsure about posting this one but here you all are. Thanks for reading this chapter here! I really do not know how to write romance/confessions or whatever cuz this is my first real time writing this, so any feedback is appreciated. We got one wild ride ahead of us pretty soon, so hang on and enjoy it!)

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