Chapter Seven: The Mountain and The Scout

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Everest shrugged her jacket on over her shoulders; the soft feeling of fur settling against her neck. She strapped a black ghost onto her belt alongside a small piece of ice on a chain bound to it. Reyna had given it to her, telling her it would help her remember what she could do. It came from her first ice spear.

Taking a Vandal off another rack, she holstered it onto her back. Glancing back, she saw Sova pin his cloak to his shoulder, holding his own Vandal; with a blue sheriff boasting the image of an owl on his belt holster.

This was to be her first mission, and it was simple. Go with Sova, scout out a new site that they were planning to go to in a month's time. This was because they caught wind of a plan by a secret group of people, that they were wanting to hit the area in that timeframe. Nobody would tell her who they were; even when it was evident they knew.

At the very least, she had gotten to know Sova better in the couple of weeks she'd been at Protocol. He was a kind being, often taking care of the members with gentleness, and helped out a lot. Sova had a great personality, and for good reason. It was clear why Brimstone trusted him a lot.

She caught herself stealing a look at the Russian hunter as he got ready for their mission. Everest turned fully towards him.

He nodded and the two walked out together, climbing into the jet like they did the first time. Sova sat opposite Everest as the jet lifted off, and the journey began.

As the jet touched down, Everest stood and climbed out the door, feeling Sova's lingering gaze on her as she jumped out. The hunter got out after she did.

The whine of the jet taking off was deafening, while the wind kicked up ruffled their clothing and hair.

Sova stuck close to Everest as they navigated through the winding areas of the place christened Split.

Corridors branched off into different areas; a maze of hallways and tight spaces. No activity heralded itself, and all was silent.

The two wandered through, checking every corner and high place, determined to not leave anything hidden to their eyes.

They came upon a small area, with a garage-like structure leading into it and a Kingdom tower in the direct middle. It looked a lot more decrepit than the opposite area, with a lot of wear and tear, and wooden buildings around.

Sova and Everest stood on a long set of metal rafters above it, looking down into the area. It was peaceful at the moment, with the wind being the only source of sound around them.

Sova moved to the side, where a long yellow rope lay, going down into the site. He grabbed it with his calloused hands after he holstered his weapon, and slid down it. Everest looked side to side before turning around.

She came face to face with something.



They wore a black mask, wearing a thick vest and clothing with a golden K branded across it. Her heart pounded as the person took the edge of their mask and pulled it off, revealing a young man. A sly smirk spread across his face as he grabbed ahold of one of Everest's wrists.

Everest used her hidden left hand to silently draw the ghost that was belted to her side. Her hands shook slightly as she watched the other man pull out his own pistol.

She drew her weapon.

Everest fired.

The lead bullet sped through the air with a whistle, embedding itself into the man's knee. His legs buckled underneath him.

He raised his own weapon as best he could.

The man pulled the trigger.

The sharp tone of another bullet ricocheted through the small space.

A sudden burst of pain bloomed across the side of Everest's lower chest, and she shook off the Kingdom man to grip it as a small cry of pain escaped her. Dark crimson leaked through and around the site of the injury.

Her hand came away slick with red.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and she turned to see a group of more Kingdom men standing. They all had rifles aimed at her, and she didn't seem like she would be in a position to fight.

Everest shook her head to clear it before gripping her bloodstained ghost like a vice. She stood her feet down, ready to stand her ground against these men.


Sova was exploring the inner areas of the site, before a set of sounds carried through the air. He immediately adjusted his position so he could see the rafters. His eyes widened as he started to run back, nearly reaching the rope.

Just before he reached it, a loud gunshot rang through the air.

His breath came out in short breaths as a number of scenarios ran unbidden through his consciousness, each more worrying than the last. Sova sprinted to the rope, and gripped it hard, pulling himself upwards.

He arrived at the top to see the girl he was sent with standing almost tiredly, blood leaking out of a wound in her chest, against a group of men. It surprised him that she was still standing, judging by the pool of red on the floor and the exhausted look in her eyes.

Sova let out a breath of relief; okay; she wasn't in a great position, but she wasn't dead, at least. Not yet, anyway.

The hunter pulled his Vandal from his shoulders and released the safety mechanism.

Everest took a few more shots, and was starting to become unsteady on her feet. Not a good sign.

Sova peeked the group, bullets spraying the wall after he ducked behind cover. He peeked again to fire his own volley back, fighting the recoil kickback. A few stray bullets caught him in the shoulder, but didn't embed themselves deeply enough to cause real harm, yet.

With utmost precision, he slowly cut down the group until almost nobody remained, except for a maskless young man, who only smirked before trying to limp away fast as he could. He rounded the corner, out of sight, but Sova didn't bother to chase him down. The Russian rushed towards Everest.

The girl swayed side to side, before finally falling to the ground amidst what seemed to be her own blood.

Sova unpinned his cape and tore off a long strip of it, mentally reminding himself he could always make another. His hands worked quickly and deftly, lifting her up slightly. He lifted up her shirt ever so slightly; enough to see her wound, but not enough to disrespect her privacy.

Crimson continued to pulse out. Sova breathed in before taking the strip of cloth. He wound it round and round, until it was tight enough to satisfy him. It might help to stop the blood, for now. He wasn't a medic, he didn't have any knowledge of medical procedures, but he hoped it would be enough for now, even if it wasn't a perfect bandage.

He replaced her shirt back to where it was, and looked at her unconscious face. It was marred with  blood from the fight.

Sova was impressed that despite her injuries, she still stood her ground. True courage and bravery, if her ever saw it. And he loved that virtue. She wouldn't give up. Now, Sova hoped she would still be fighting until he got to Sage.

If she would just hang on a little longer.



If y'all like, please let me know if you are enjoying the story so far and what I can improve on!

I cannot wait to develop their relationship a little more, and I can promise of a couple exciting things to happen later in the story.

Thanks for reading so far, I appreciate it!

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