2- If That Mocking Bird Don't Sing and The Ring Don't Shine

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"He was a slave?!" Leia said loudly, making Luke's concentration break, "How could you never tell me?"

"Would you have listened?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I... I just wish you'd tell me these things" Leia said exasperated.

"And I have. I have told you of his childhood, his padawan years. Have I not?" Luke said calmly.

"Its just that... I spent so much time hating him. He came to me in a dream and i... I said I hated him. That I never wanted to see him again" Leia said.

"Leia, I know the pain you feel for Alderaan. I feel it everyday. I know the love you feel for your adopted parents" Luke said, "Let go of your hate and find it in your heart to forgive our father for his terrible mistakes".

"I..." Leia started.


"Okay okay but give me a second to process all this" Leia said and walked away to another room.

Sometimes when she was alone in a room she'd let herself sink. She sat on a ledge and looked down at the stairs. Closing her eyes she turned her attention to focusing her mind like Luke had taught her. She wasn't very good at it but she guessed she didn't need it to do what she was doing.

'Father' she said slowly.

She opened her eyes to see her father. He warily stood in front of her. Standing on nothing. He was eye level with her so she didn't stand up.

She first examined his face as she never bothered to before. He was obviously a handsome man in his life. He reminded her of Luke which didn't surprise her. His eyes were blue like the sky and his smile was still as warm as it had always been.

"Hello Leia," he said, nodding to her.

"Father... were you... were you really a slave?" Leia asked.

Anakin sighed and nodded.

"I had told Luke never to tell you," he said.

"What? Why?" Leia asked.

"If you were ever going to find something about me I thought I'd let you find out on your own. I wouldn't push you to forgive me when you aren't ready to" he said.

"If I had known..." She said.

"My life is over and there are many things I regret and still fear. Yours is full of adventure. If that adventure led you to find my past... it would have been your decision" Anakin said.

"Father I'm sorry" she said, "i... forgive you now".

Anakin smiled and lifted his hand. She reached out for him and focused. He grabbed her hand and the feeling was comforting. She felt the emotion he felt. It was a mix of happiness and love.

It was the first time she'd ever really connected to her father.

"Leia, angel, take care of your brother on your journey" he said.

"Wait... your... your okay with us going" Leia asked.

"It's not like I can stop my son from doing this. I would have loved the chance to change the past. Luke and you can do that" he said.

"Will... will you be with us?" Leia asked.

Anakin's eyebrows furrowed. He looked away as Leia felt guilty for asking the question.

"I will watch you but I cannot give guidance" he said, "I know who will give you guidance. A master called Qui-Gon Jinn. I wish you luck angel".

"Thank you father" she said as the comfort faded.

He smiled and disappeared from her view.


Luke watched Leia walk away into a separate room. He sighed and tried concentrating again. He found himself meditating, connecting easily with the force in this building.

"Hello Luke" said a voice.

He quickly opened his eyes searching for the source of the voice

There wasn't anything in view. In fact the room had completely faded into a dark void.

A tall image materialized in front of Luke who quickly stood up to look at him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Jedi master Qui-Gon Jin" he said, "I trained Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Someone im sure you may know".

"Yes... yes I know him. What are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"Leia has agreed to help right your father's wrongs" Master Jin said, "you will be sent back to the clone wars".

"I am ready" Luke said, "At least whenever Leia is".

"Luke Skywalker, the fate of the galaxy is in your hands. We are counting on you to save us" he said, "all the fallen jedi of the purge".

"Wait, what about Han and Chewie" Luke asked quickly.

"If you were concerned we know the love you have for him. When you change your fate he will still have his memories" Qui-Gon said, a bit amused.

"Thank you master. I'm sorry for my outburst" Luke said looking down.

"No need for apologies. Your friends are what make you strong" he said, "I do wish you luck. I believe in you young jedi".

"Thank you master," Luke said.


"Luke, I'm ready"

Luke snapped out of his meditation seeing Leia. She looked brighter and happier. He smiled at this.

"Oh I'm sorry did I disturb you?" She said a bit shyly.

"No Leia, you never disturb me" he said and stood.

She looked up at him.

"We accept," Luke said.

Do not let unwanted emotions cloud your judgments. Keep and open mind and an open heart. Trust each other and every decision you make. Save the Jedi from your father's terrible mistake.

Luke and Leia Skywalker the Jedi wish you luck. Be safe and may the force be with you.

Luke and Leia looked at each other and felt they should hold onto something. They moved closer to each other and held onto the other for support and closed their eyes as they felt themselves being flung through time.


"Intruders get them," a robotic voice said.

Luke quickly cut down the voice quickly without a second thought. He looked down to see who it belonged to.

"Droids" Leia said and sarcastically added, "this must be the clone wars".

"Take out your lightsaber," Luke ordered.

Leia obliged and walked behind him as they made their way through wherever they were.

"Might want to put your hair up, Leia" Luke joked, "Light-sabers cut through hands, imagine what they can do to hair".

"Oh hush" Leia said humorously.

They snuck around this new area trying their best to take in their surroundings. They reached an elevator and with nothing else around them to do, they stood in front of it waiting for whatever came out.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Leia said.

"I'm sure we'll be... alright" Luke said but backed himself and Leia up.

The doors opened and they both ignited their light-sabers. Two more ignited as they came face to face with two obvious Jedi.

One was obviously their young father and the other his master. Luke and Leia looked at each other.

"Hello there," said Obi-Wan brightly.

'This is where the fun begins' Luke says to Leia.

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