40- Just To Get A Glimpse Behind This Illusion

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"Focus Leia" Anakin said as they circled eachother.

"I can't fight you when I can't see you" Leia said.

Leia wore a helmet that blocked her sight. She could tell Anakin was close and his lightsaber was ignited. She twirled here mindlessly as she stepped lightly.

"There will be times when your senses will be blocked. Whether it be your sense of touch like a missing hand" he raised his hand as an example, "your hearing, smell even and your sight. Your eyes can fail you at times, so yes I want you to focus on my voice and movements".

Leia breathed out and listened intently. Remembering what Luke always told her, she focused on feeling around the room for anakin. She raised her lightsaber and held it out as a block. She heard Anakin's lightsaber swipe at her. She backed up and swinged her own lightsaber. Anakin blocked her attack and they continued a light spare.

Leia felt as if she could see again. Anakins movements were quick precise and a bit unpredictable. She memorized his attacks and how he blocked. As they continued to fight she used one hand to grab his and knocked the lightsaber out of his hand.

"Its over Anakin" Leia said keeping a strong grip on him.

"You're very quick to learn" Anakin said, "you can take that dumb thing off. It's a bit uncomfortable after a while".

Leia took off the helmet and threw it to the ground.

"You're getting slow old man" Leia siad.

"You're older than me" Anakin said with a chuckle.

"Well you know what I mean. I mean you were obviously holding back" Leia said

"Maybe a little. We wouldn't actually want a lost limb now would we?" Anakin asked.

Leia nodded, "can we go back down to Tatooine? I have to talk to Han and make sure he hasn't done something stupid. I'm always having to pick up after that idiot".

"Alright that's fair, but we will continue these lessons. You'll need your strength when we get Obi-Wan and Luke back" Anakin said.

"How are we going to get them back exactly?" Leia asked crossing her arms, "I mean we did just loose one of our best players".

"We'll get them back" Anakin said, "we still have a whole army and three jedis".

"Well two and 1/3 of a jedi" Leia joked.

Anakin laughed.

Leia smiled and looked down, "can you tell me about you, father?".

"Well... you know a lot about me" Anakin said.

"Well... what about how you met Padme?" She asked.

"Oh... well I met her on Tatooine" Anakin said, "when I was a boy. I wasn't able to see her for years. When I saw her again she was being hunted. Her assassination was being planed. So I was asigned with Obi-Wan to protect her".

Leia nodded understanding his words.

"She and I went to a planet called Geanosis to save Obi-Wan who had gotten himself captured" Anakin continued, "we were saved by the order and went after Count Dooku. That's how I lost my arm. That's when the story just gets... well you know how war is".

"I do" Leia said.

'Leia..... LEIA it's not me.... tell anakin it's not me'

Leia shook her head and grabbed it.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asked, "I can't read you if you're blocking me out".

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