32- A Voice Called Out To Me

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Darth Andechu stood at the deck of his ship. His hand behind his back as he gazed upon the sand ridden land. His thoughts were on the task at hand. Finding the Skywakers and turning them to the darkside.

"You wont find them" said the reflection of Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan looked different now. His hair was disheveled and he looked exhausted.

"Oh i will" Andechu said, "Don't you get it yet?"

"Get what?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I will find them. I will free the Emperor and I will rule the galaxy" Andechu said.

"there will always be someone to stop evil" Obi-Wan said.

"But we are not evil yet" Andechu said and smiled, "We are only half evil. i have told you time and time again that the Jedi are lying to you".

"About what?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"About the dark side" Andechu said, " Its not the evil hateful thing that the jedi have engraved in your brain. Its power. power beyond your small minded imagination".

"The power corrupts. as its corrupted you" Obi-Wan said, "you can't control your anger. Even I can see that".

Andechu smirked, "Its opened my eyes. I see the lies. when i rule my empire i will bring peace, freedom, justice, and security. I will make the galexy safer for every living thing on every planet. Without the jedi to make rules and reckless decisions".

"My allegiance will only ever lie with the Republic and democracy" Obi-Wan said.

"My own self makes him the enemy" Andechu said.

"I'll always be an enemy of the sith. I may not be able to move my own body but i can do this" Obi-Wan said and reached out his hand.

Andechu cried out in pain gripping his head. it felt ass if someone were ripping at his skull and tearing at his brain. He reached out his own hand to the mirror. Obi-Wan dropped his hand and the pain stopped. Andechu stood, looking at Obi-Wan. His look was almost akin to fear. He breathed hard as Obi-Wan moved forward.

"How did you do that?" Andechu yelled.

"Mind control only half works on a jedi. You are not evil, you're being controlled" .

Andechu kept quiet.

"You would not have me if your were truly riddled with the dark side" Obi-Wan said.

Andechu looked distressed for another second and then smirked.

"Even so. I'm still a part of you. I'm the grief ridden and broken part that lost our love, Satine, lost his master, been to hell and back. I am your sadness and anger. Your fear and hate. I am your darkness" Andechu said, "I am even your doubt of the Jedi and the Republic".

"Then why do you want me to join you. If you're already as evil as you say" Obi-Wan asked in a hiss, "why would you need me?"

"Well... you have the darkness in your heart that I need" Andechu said, "to turn fully and reach my true potential".

Obi-Wan shook his head and fell to sit cross-legged, "good luck".


When han arrived

"Halt" yelled a clone trooper.

Han threw up his hands and fell back

"Don't shoot I'm looking for someone" Han said.

"State your name" the trooper said.

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