69- I See

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Luke had split from Leia so they could seach the fortress faster and one person was a bit less conspicuous. Though he still did not understand the purpose of the infiltration, he still followed her. She seemed to be following gut instinct and he couldnt deny his own. He creeped through the halls avoiding another interaction with any of the enemy forces. Sneaking past control rooms and weapon areas.

They apparently liked to talk about their leaders. He stood behind a wall amd listened to a group of high ranking officers. He had to take one out that walked his way. It was probably better this way as he could just steal the officers clothes and listen more closely.

He walked in holding his cap over his face and a hand still on his side. He grabbed some food to sit a little away from the group of chatty officers.

"You know his real name?" An officer asked.

"Who?" Asked another officer.

"The lord... you know the fabled son of Darth Vader" another officer said.

"No... how did you find out his name? Those records are sealed" said the other.

"Actually I was there when he killed his aunt and uncle" the officer said.

"Well? What's his name?".

"Luke Skywalker" he said, "its his brith name".

"Hmm why did the Empress keep her name?" Asked the other officer.

"I believe that maybe it was her choice" he said.

Luke listened to them talk about how Darth Vader found them at a very young age. So young they were easy to train. Darth Vader was apparently on the Death Star fighting the rebels. It was odd to hear empire thoughts on rebels.

"Hey you" said the officer, "why are you loitering?"

The officer walked over and stood at the table infront of Luke.

'I'm made'

'Then act!' Leia said.

Luke stood and looked up at the officers taking off his cap. The officers took a step back, fear filling their faces.

Luke hated it but at least it had worked.

"Lord Natus!" exclaimed one of the officer.

"We didn't know that you... we're here" said the other.

"Obviously not" Luke said, looking between the two.

"I just wanted to personally apologize for what we said during the conversation you heard" said the first officer.

Luke had never felt intimidating, but apparently he was to these officers. It left a bitter taste in his mouth to see fear caused by him.

"Apology accepted" Luke said crossing his arms, "but you talk like that again about my sister or me again... trust me I won't be so forgiving".

'Great acting... its like you were born to be a sith'

'You heard that?'

'Yeah I'm behind the wall'

'Leia seriously'

'Its a round about' Leia said, 'the fortress in a circle and the Maine Tunnel is in Tatooine Space'

'Send them away or something. Use your... evil voice cause they look like raisins' Leia spoke up when there was silence.

"Why don't you get out before I change my mind" Luke said walking towreds them raising his hand.

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