46- One Thing Right

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"Going into hyperspace" Anakin muttered to Han.

Han pushed forward a lever that jumped them into space. He looked at Anakin who just sat in deep thought.

"Um... uhhh are you alright?" Han asked.

"I'm fine" Anakin said, looking ahead.


Leia looked up from her thoughts and listened to the conversation.

"Or I guess maybe I'm not" Anakin said.

"Do ya... wanna... talk about it?" Han asked.

"No" Anakin said looking at Han.

"Oh good cause I was only trying to be nice" Han said.

Leia leaned forward and smacked the back of Hans head.


She stood and shooed him away. Hand stood and walked out of the cockpit. She sat in his place and looked at Anakin.

"Would you talk to me?" She asked.

He looked up and sighed, "I dont know what it is... I know its... guilt but...".


"I just feel so responsible for Luke being captured... it should... it should have been me" Anakin said, "when we infiltrated the ship, we were cornered by droids. They got the better of us and I managed to get away. I just ran, I couldn't look.back because I was being shot at. So I only noticed when I heard Luke scream that they had him".

"And you feel guilty because of it?" She asked softly.

"Hes my son... and I left him" Anakin said.

"Its alright... you were just trying to save yourself. In the long run... better him than you" Leia said.

Anakins eyebrows furrowed, "Maybe to you. When you have kids you'll understand".

"Maybe I will understand when I have children, but I understand that we need leadership. Lukes a leader... there's no doubt about that but... even he would agree that we don't want you on the wrong side. It would be like Darth Vader all over again" Leia explained.

"Maybe you're right but I'll never not feel terrible" Anakin said.

"And that's alright. But you can't get lost in a loss that we can find again" Leia said, "I know there's still good in him. I could feel it fighting in him".

Anakin nodded, "Leia, I promise to protect you for the rest of my life. You and your brother".


"I'm serious" Anakin said.

"I-... I love you Father" Leia said.

Anakin smiled bright.

"We're here" Han chirped in.

Leia snapped her head back.

"I am going to vaping choke you".

"Please do".

"Well now I'm going to choke you" Anakin said. He looked back at Han who shyed away, "im kidding Han.

Watch your back"


"You said Kempa... now your saying we need to go to Mustafar. Make up your damn mind" Darth Natus yelled at Darth Andechu as they walked through town, "do we need to be on Kempa or Mustafar?".

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