57- Hid Under Lock And Key

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Leia sat leaning her head against Lukes bed. There was a blanket over her shoulders. Obi-Wan lay on a cot across from them.


Leia sat up started from the voice. She had been dead asleep from taking care of Luke. Her vision was a bit clouded. The light in the small cave illuminated Luke's eyes on hers.

"Leia" Luke whispered weakly.

She shifted to her knees.

"You're awake" Leia said.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"You're an idiot" Leia said with a glare, "thats what happened.

Luke groaned and sat up slowly still holding a hand over his wound.

"Is that...?"

"Ben" Leia said, "Yes".

Obi-Wan woke at his name. He gazed at Luke for a moment before sitting cross-legged.

"No seriously... what happened?" Luke asked.

"Well you passed out from your wounds. Like an idiot" Leia said.

"Oh I'm sorry I was dying" Luke said crossing his arms.

"You did not just say that. I literally begged you to tell me if that wound was bothering you" Leia yelled.

"Yeah fine" Luke said, "but I'm not gonna make us stop in strange areas because I'm hurt. I was fine".

"Fine?! Fine is not being pale as a ghost and passing out in a stable" Leia yelled, "The only thing I'm trying to do is help".

"I don't need your help" Luke said swinging his hand to his chest.

A cup flew against the sandy wall, clanking to the ground.

Leia stepped back shocked and a bit hurt. She looked down and walked out of the cave. Luke stood holding his newly bandaged wound.

"You can't blame her for her worry" Obi-Wan said.

"I don't need anyone to be worried about me" Luke said, "I just want her to stop doubting me".

"That isn't doubt" Obi-Wan said, "that's worry and frustration".

Luke sat with his head in his hands, "crap".

"Why are you here?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I don't know" Luke practically yelled, "I have no idea why this is happening. Why we can't just go back to our own time is beyond my understanding".

"I understand your confusion but its no reason to push your sister away" Obi-Wan said.

"What? Like you pushed my father away?" Luke asked.

"I-i didn't push Anakin away... he was the one to make that decision" Obi-Wan said.

"Right" Luke said sarcastically.

Don't you pull that device out again... it could kill you.

We don't have the technology to take it out. It's a sophisticated piece of technology. Maybe try when you get back to your own time.

Don't train yourself or the device will take control again. Be careful.

Obi-Wan gasped and backed up from Luke. Luke was confused for a moment before finding his voice.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"Your eyes were... they were..." Obi-Wan started but seemingly couldn't finish.

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