38- Use Common Sense

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Anakin observed as Leia made her way through the training course. She was as graceful as a dove, but he noticed she was holding back. He could tell she wasn't confident in her abilities. She made it to the last platform in short time.

He knew she would get stumped at the next plat form.

"Its too high" she said, breathlessly. Her hands on her knees.

"Then perform a jedi flip. Jump up and throw your body forward to do a flip. It's going to seem scary but I assure you the plat forms will catch you if you fall" Anakin said, "Though if you were to fall... try and land on your feet. That is also a good lesson".

"I can't. I can't even begin to try" Leia said.

"Then don't try, do" Anakin said, "ive seen you in battle even if you don't see yourself. You're a quick thinker, you're agile and swift. You cannot doubt your abilities. You see what Luke was able to accomplish without the training I'm giving you. He's an amazing jedi and his connection to the force is so very strong".

"Yes but Luke had years to practice" Leia said.

"Many jedi have years to practice, that is true, but I believe in you" Anakin said.

Leia looked up at the plat form. She backed up again and ran to catch it. She threw herself forward into a flip and caught the platfrom. She pulled herself up onto it and layed on it for a moment.

"This isn't gonna fall out from under me is it?" She asked breathlessly.

"No... no it won't" Anakin said.


Han walked into the cockpit. Ahsoka sat in the passenger seat analyzing a radar. He sat next to her and she looked over shortly. She examined him for a moment before turning back to her task.

"So... what exactly is your role?" Ahsoka said quietly.

"I'm a pilot" Han said and smiled, "im a commander in the Rebel Alliance".

"There's a few heat signatures on our monitors" Ahsoka said, "Shouldn't be too dangerous, but i should still keep an eye on it".

"Right well, At least it means they're not droids" Han said.

"Where's Leia and Anakin?" Ahsoka asked.

"I thought they would have told you" Han said, with a shrug, "they left to the main ship to train or something".

"Sometimes anakin leaves out details. He's very... impulsive I guess" Ahsoka said, "im gonna get more sleep. Can you watch these heat signatures?"

"Yeah of course" Han said.

Ahsoka stood and started to walk out. She stopped at the door frame and turned back.

"We can just act like that wasn't awkward at all right?" Ahsoka said with a short chuckle.

"Sure we can" Han said, "if you don't think about it that hard at least".

Ahoska chuckled and walked out leaving Han to his thoughts and the rhythmic pattern of the radar.


"So why are we here in the mirrors" Luke asked.

They sat cross-legged on the floor. Their evil counter parts had left the room. Luke had been staring out from them as he spoke.

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