28- Waiting For That Morning Sun

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"Leia... Leia LEIA WAKE UP".

Leia shot awake as the ship rocked from a blast. Luke was already up, hastily wrapping his utility belt around his waist. He tripped and rocked around as the ship was shot at.

"What's going on" Leia yelled standing and struggling to get her own boots and belt on.

"We're under attack" Luke said grabbing his lightsaber, "I don't know who's attacking".

Luke and Leia struggled to run to the front of the ship. Ahsoka joined in their panicked run as they made their way. The tripped at slid as their ship was shot at.

Luke flopped in his seat next to anakin taking the auto pilot controls. Leia and ahsoka made their way down to the weapons.

"Prep for lightspeed" Anakin barked, "and for the love of the force start shooting".

Luke strapped himself in and grabbed the controls.

"Start the shields, one of our engines is going down" Anakin yelled, "grab that headpiece".

Luke did as he was told.

"Weapons" Luke gasped, "Are the weapons online?"

"One of the guns were blown out" Ahsoka said, "you need to get us out of here"

Another shot rocked the ship with intence force. It sent both anakin and Luke to the side like ragdollls. If they hadn't been strapped in, they would be flying head first into the side control panel.

"Whos attacking us?" Luke yelled slamming a button that controlled the speed.

"Bounty hunters" Anakin roared, "By the looks of our radar, there are five of them".

"Five?!" Luke exclaimed.

"Punch it" anakin said.

Luke grabbed the adjacent lever and pulled it with Anakin. They were sent into lightspeed.

"What the hell was that about" luke said, "aren't we cloaked?"

"They must have gotten out location when we were talking to Obi-Wan" anakin said, "I shouldn't have been so stupid".

"There's no point in beating ourselves up about it now" Luke said, "it happened".

"I feel like everything's my fault these days. I mean I would be in Obi-Wan's place if it wasn't for you" Anakin said, "I cant stop thinking about it".

"Look there's really no point in thinking about it now. It happened er... I mean didn't happen" Luke said and sighed, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Anakin said but was met with Luke's skeptical look, "I am... I'm fine".

"Right" Luke said.

"What about you?" Anakin asked, "you're in a different time and I'm sure you confused".

"Its odd yes but... being with you and having Leia makes it better" Luke said.

"You and Leia have such a strong bond" Anakin said, "it's very powerful and unbreakable.. it's not like a master and padawan bond".

"Are there any twins in the jedi?" Luke asked.

"No not really. Jedi weren't allowed to form attachments for many years. If there were sibling jedi... they would be separated before they formed an attachments" Anakin said.

"That's horrible" Luke said.

"It was the way of the jedi" Anakin said.

Luke sighed looking into the hyperspace. He remembered meditating for long periods of time when he would fly.

"What are we gonna do when we get to tatooine?" Luke said, "do we have a plan or are we going to wing it?"

"I'm not exactly the best at making plans" Anakin admitted, "I just jump head first into danger. It's how I lost my arm".

"During my training with Yoda, I had a vision of Leia and my other friends in trouble. I left master Yoda to fight Vader. I guess it runs in the family"

"We have to make a plan" Anakin said.

"Leia can help. She's amazing at making plans. She's the best General in the Rebel Alliance" Luke said, "im sure all of us together can make a good plan".

Anakin chuckled.

"Master" Ahsoka said coming into the control room.

Leia was by her side and she went to sit next to Luke. Ahsoka sat in her chair and immediately started typing away. This is went they came out of hyperspace and into tatooine space.

"Our scanners were damaged in the attack" Ahsoka said, "we'll have to find them the old fashioned way".

"Leia, do you have a plan on how to do this" Luke asked.

"Meditation. Maybe all of us together could locate where he is" Leia said, "or is that not how the force works".

"Pretty much" Anakin muttered, "we'll need to find somewhere on tatooine that's peaceful".

"There's a cave I used to play in that was pretty peaceful" Luke said, "I always felt safe when I was there".


"Hello Darth Sidious" said Master Yoda.

He hobbled in with his cane. The sith looked darkly at the master as a smile played on his face.

"Master yoda what a nice surprise" Palaptine said.

"Missed you the jedi had" Yoda said, "how?".

"Well people believe what the want to believe" Palpatine said, "especially the jedi. You were so consumed by your own perception of control you didn't even notice I have entered the senate".

"No more will you control the senate" Yoda said.

"I won't need to soon. My new apprentice take over everything including the senate. I will rule the galaxy with him at my side. My loyal servant" Palpatine said.

"Stop you we will" Yoda said firmly.

Palpatine let out a laugh. Yoda face hardened as he watched him. He stood now looking down at Yoda.

"Your lucky Master Yoda. That my order was never sent and you were left alive" Palpatine said.

"Lived I would have. For I train a powerful jedi" Yoda said, "flawed your plan was".

"You speak of the young Luke Skywalker" Palpatine asked.

"Defeat you he does. Your rein did not last long" Yoda said.

Palatine frowned, "this time will be different. This time I'll win and the jedi will fall like they were always ment to".

Yoda shook his had and sighed, "no they will not".

Yoda walked out of the holding room the same way he came out. He waited for the door to close before walking away slowly. This confused him immensely. Palpatine was able to hide himself from the jedi for so long. Hide from some of the most powerful jedi in the order.

He needed to meditate on this. He had to meditate to make sure nothing slipped his mind ever again because all he cared about now was the safety of his order and the younglings he was tasked to protect.

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