33- Here We Are Dont Turn Away Now

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They all sat around a briefing table. Luke and Leia had explained everything that the clones had explained to him. They both explained how and when they got here. The invisible hand and the events that followed it. Luke explained the Emperor and how he and Anakin had held him off until the Jedi from the council got there. Leia told her side of the story and about where she was. She spoke of Obi-Wan and her fight with the droid commander General Grievous.

Then she went on to tell him about Obi-Wan being captured and turned to the darkside and how they were trying to save him now since they saved Anakin.

Han had actually been listening intently. He even noted in his head most of the important parts. Once they had finished the whole story, Han leaned forward on one arm. Resting his chin in one hand he looked between Luke and Leia. Then looked at anakin and crossed his arms.

"So you're Darth Vader and there's another sith trying to kill you" Han asked followed by a nod from Luke.

"Yeah pretty much" Luke said, "what about you? How did you get here?".

"I still don't know. I went into the temple to find you, but you two weren't there. I tried looking for you but couldnt find you" Han said leaning on his forearms, "I heard this voice calling. Barely I might add. Like they were whispering in my ear faraway".

"A voice?" Luke questioned, "did you see anyone".

"No" Han answered, "or maybe. I don't know they were barley visible. Like a blue faint shadow. It was so hard to hear or even see them".

"What did they say?" Leia asked.

"Just that they knew you and Luke were" Han said.

"I'm assuming it was shoot first" Luke said with a small smile.

"Who do you think I am?" Han said crossing his arms. Luke kept a cocky smile which made Han roll his eyes, "yes alright".

"Did they give any advice?" Leia asked.

"No they just said you needed help. I wasn't really gonna question air. I thought I was going crazy at first. Especially when that temple felt like it did" Han said.

"You felt that?" Luke said sitting up in his seat.

"Yeah. I mean it was kind of hard to miss" Han said and shrugged.

"Its as intense for non Force Sensitive just as much as force sensitive people" Luke said.

"Yeah right the force" Han said and rolled his eyes.

"The force is real boy and you'd do well to respect it" Ahsoka said.

"I'll respect what I can see sweetheart and even seeing only goes so far" Han said.

Anakin raised his hand summoning a small cup. It flew by Hans head like a bullet. He flinched, standing up and moving out of the way.

Anakin caught the cup in his hand setting it on the table slowly.

"Sorry" Anakin said with a small smirk, "reflex".

Luke smiled and watched at Han sat down shakily. He had been leaving against the wall on the door frame.

"Anyways..... we've been trying to find Obi-Wan ever since. But we haven't come close" Luke said.

"Have you tried scanning the planet for his ship or army" Han asked.

"No" Anakin said.

"Its different technology. We'd be open to an attack" Leia said.

"What about people to go out to scout?" Han asked.

"That's the first thing that we did" Anakin said, "We sent out 3 teams of clones. They're supposed to return tomorrow".

"So we sit around and wait for your troops right" Han asked.

"If it's the best we can do then yes" Anakin said, "missions like this shouldn't be rushed. No matter how much you want to resolve it. I don't know when they'll be back but for now yes. We 'sit around'".

"On Endor remember what happened when you rushed it?" Luke asked.

"Oh shut up will you. I was just making a small point" Han said.

"All we have to do is wait a couple more hours" Ahsoka said.

"We've been here months Han. So now your gonna be here for the long hall" Leia said, "I mean unless your to scared".

"I ain't scared" Han said, "why were you here in the first place?".

"We told you that already" Luke said crossing his arms, "We were here to save Anakin from turning into Darth Vader".

"Oh, And even though you did that, since Obi-Wan turned evil you have to stop him" Han asked.

"Yes" Luke said.

"This whole time travel thing is weird" Han said.

A beep sounded from the center of the table. Anakin pressed a button on the table. A clone trooper appeared an a blue hologram.

"General Skywalker" He greeted, "We've located Andechus ship. Its 80 clicks away from base camp".

"Thank you but why have you not returned to tell me in person" Anakin said.

"We heard Andechu scream. his droids are swarming the area. it won't be long until we're found" The clone trooper said.

"How many?" Anakin said standing up.

"Almost a hundred. They're everywhere and we're surrounded. We'll be fine for now but the three other groups were captured" the trooper said.

"Hang in there soldier" Anakin said and the hologram disappeared.

He stared typing away and a group of clones appeared. they didnt wear their helmets and were in the ship. The front man stood straight, "General Skywalker".

"Get the troops ready for battle. we've found Obi-Wan" Anakin said and turned to them, "you four should get ready as well. This is war and probably the hardest any of us will face. We have to fight a friend who lost his way. Once a great jedi, now fallen into the grips of the darkside".

"You sure about this Anakin" Luke asked

Anakin looked at Luke his son and sighed, "as sure as I'll ever be. Obi-Wan was always there for me when I was being reckless. Now... I dont have that. Forgive me if I sound...".

"We'll get him back" Luke said, "we'll get him back to the jedi. Our future seems to depend on it".

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