72- A Friendship Turned to a bond

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Leia and Anakin spit up when they found themselves of Coruscant. The force dropped them in one of the most dangerous parts and the most active.

Leia knew her way around this part because she walked through it with Luke while she shopped for some clothes. The shop vendors seemed to come out of no where trying to sell her their products and other various materials.

"I've only got three left, get them while you can 60 standard galactic credit"

"Only 5 credit for this lovely dress for you or a friend. One size fits all"

"Have a bounty on your head? I can pay it off for just one small favor".

A force trick usually did her good when they got a little too close. She still wasn't the best and sometimes she gave herself a splitting headache, but at least it worked.

It was moments like these where she missed her brother. He always had something to say to help her learn.

'Have you found anything'

'No, have you?'

'I've been following a trail. It just keeps getting darker. I realized it was me I was sensing. That's not a good thing'.

'Tell me where you are'

No answer


Leia started to run now, feeling a sinking feeling in her stomach when he didn't answer. She ran through the allys and past people she knocked over. They yelled a slew of curses at her when regaining their balance.

She jumped off onto the roof of a shop until she could actually see the Anakin.

She jumped again onto another roof and dropped infront of Anakin. He was sitting on the ground dazed.

"Why do you look like me?" An angry voice questioned.

Leia pushed past a younger looking Anakin, a padawan Anakin and kneeled infront of her father. His body tensed when she did, as if he sensed danger but he quickly relaxed.

Leia turned to look at the younger Anakin before deciding her attention should be on the Anakin she knew.

"Are you alright?" She asked, "why didn't you answer me?"

"I didn't even notice him" Anakin remarked, "he came out of no where and attacked me"

"Who are you?" The younger Anakin questioned.

Leia turned to see that he had taken out his lightsaber.

"What are the odds he listens to us?" She whispered to Anakin.

"About a 7 out of 60" He said.

"Look I know you might not believe me but I'm from the future.... so is he" she gestured to Anakin behind her.

"No... I don't believe you" he said.

"Look my name Leia Or... Skywalker" she said, "Leia Skywalker and the only reason that we are here is because we're lost. I'm trying to find someone and he got caught in the middle".

"You are not a Skywalker" he said, "there are only 2 Skywalkers in the Galaxy"

"Maybe in this time" Leia muttered.

Leia went to reach for her lightsaber but it was gone.

"What the-" she said, "I must have lost it".

Anakin stood behind her and started to pull her back. He raised his hand and pushed his younger self back with the force. Leia noticed it now, that Anakin's arm was missing.

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