51- Todays Your Day

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Anakin could feel himself falling. He was well aware of the lava underneath him. The heat on his back made it feel like his clothes were on fire. He didn't want to look at it but he didn't want to look up at Obi-Wans worried eyes. Instead he closed his eyes and waited for his inevitable death. Burning in lava for a second time, this time in front of Obi-Wan and his children. At least this time he was dying a Jedi's death.

He felt as if he were falling in slow motion. He thought of everything as he fell. The things he had experienced with his children and how at least even if he were to die, Obi-Wan was back and would hopefully stay like that. He hoped his death wouldn't be Obi-Wans breaking point. He had taken him for granted all these years. The things he sacrificed to be his master.

It didn't take him long to realize he was actually falling in slow motion. He opened his eyes to see Obi-Wan who held his hand out straining. He was using the force to hold him.

Luke managed to stand now. His wound didn't hurt as much anymore. He pushed a platform over and underneath Anakin.

Anakin fell hard on his back. Though, quickly he realized that his mechanical hand had almost touched the lava. He pulled his arm up in a bit startled. He looked quickly to Obi-Wan. He wasn't looking down at Anakin anymore.

"Luke are you okay?" Leia asked.

She held him in a hug as he groaned. She backed up with worry still written on her face, still on the verge of tears. She tried her hardest not to cry. The fight took all her strength and her head still ached.

"Ow ow ow, that still hurts a little bit" Luke said.

"You scared the hell out of me" Leia cried and smacked his shoulder, "Why aren't you dead?".

"This armor" Luke answered and touched it lightly, "it's made of steel".

"Thank goodness" Leia said hugging him again. This time, she was careful to not hurt him.

Anakin and Obi-Wan had jumped to the dock. Anakin immediately ran to Luke with an immense worry. He brought his hand to Luke's face examining him. Then ruffled his hair in an affectionate way.

"You're okay" Anakin said relieved.

"I'm okay, father" he said calmly.

"I thought... I thought the worst had happened. I thought you were dead" Anakin said.

"I thought I was too" Luke said, "I mean, when Andechu stabbed me, all I felt was pain but I guess it didn't do much because of this weird Sith armor".

"It probably grazed you" Leia said, "oh thank the force, what a relief".

Obi-Wan was silent for most of the conversation. He stood still with his head in his hands. He felt guilty and sick from what he had done.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" Obi-Wan said, rubbing his head.

Luke struggled to find the words to say.

"Its fine... I'm fine" Luke said, "its not your fault".

"I was the one who stabbed you" Obi-Wan said, "maybe it wasn't me but it was still me".

"It really wasn't" Luke said, "I'm really fine and it was Palpatine who did it... actually where is Palpatine?" Luke said looking around.

"Oh crap" Anakin said and turned around.

Palpatine again walked across the platforms. He stared at the four with a disgust. His teeth opened in what could only be described as a snarl. His yellow eyes burned into theirs.

"You will all be mine" he yelled, "you will all know the darkside".

Luke, Leia and Anakin had taken out their lightsabers. They pointed their weapons at Palpatine, who approached very slowly. Obi-Wan was defenseless. He cursed himself for throwing away his only source of protection. Anakin would never let him live it down if they got out of this.

"All of you!" Palpatine screeched, "you... Anakin and your children and you Obi-Wan Kenobi. I had you right in the palm of my hand. You were powerful and you just went and threw that away!"

"You're even more crazy than I thought you were" Anakin said, scowling at the old man.

"I am not crazy. I am the dark lord. The most powerful sithlord to ever exist in the universe. I am Darth Sidi-"

Leia whipped out her blaster and shot him in the head. He fell back into the lava and making a splash.

Everyone turned to Leia in surprise.

"What?" She asked, "At least I didn't 'strike him down'. Damn, he talks too much".

"That was... oddly easy" Luke said.

"Why didn't you take a blaster with you when you faced him the first time?" She asked, "Why don't any Jedi carry blasters? I mean were all amazing shots".

"All valid questions that we can answer when we're not on a lava planet" Luke said, "Seriously, I don't think i even have eye brows anymore".

"Blaster... bleh" Obi-Wan said and shook his head as if disgusted, "so uncivilized".

"Padme... for goodness sake we need to get back" Leia said, "Padmes in labor".


Padme lay on a birthing bed. She was in pain with every contraction. She held Ahsoka's hand squeezing it as a droid helped deliver her new born children.

The first baby was delivered and was shown to her. She smiled at his beautiful face. Just like his father she thought. She spoke his name before she even had a thought.

"Luke" she said and smiled.

She cried out again as the second baby was born. The droid brought the second to her and she smiled again.

"Leia" she said.

"You did it Padme" Ahsoka said.

"Where's Anakin?" She asked.

"Hes on his way I promise" Ahsoka said.

Padme was treated for her wounds after birth. Her baby's were brought to her so she could hold them. Ahsoka held little baby leia in her arms. It may have been hours, but finally anakin arrived looking through the glass.

Luke was dragged to another room to be treated along with Obi-Wan. Leia joined her brother leaving Anakin and Padme alone with their children.

Ahsoka left to check on the clone soldiers. They had won the battle on the landing bad. The droids were all dismantled.

Anakin walked in and took leia in his arms.

He looked at Padme who was sitting upright with Luke in her arms. He sat at the foot of her bed.

"Oh she's beautiful" Anakin said.

"Yes they are" Padme said and smiled.

"I will say I'll miss Luke when he goes back into his time" Anakin said and sighed.

"He'll still be here" she said gestured to Leia, "She'll always be here".

"Yes... thank goodness for that" Anakin said.

"See Anakin?" Padme muttered.

Anakin hummed.

"Sometimes dreams are only dreams" Padme said.

Anakin stood and kissed her head, "well said Angel".

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