7- It Was The Heat Of The Moment

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Anakin leaned against the door frame watching Padme on the balcony. She watched the night sky as she brushed her hair.

"... every second I was thinking of you. Protecting the endless, nameless Outer Rim settlements became a torture... the battles were easy, the longing became unbearable... I've never been so happy as I am at this moment," Anakin said.

"Ani, I want to have our baby back home on Naboo. We could go to the lake country where no one would know... where we would be safe. I could go early-and fix up the baby's room. I know the perfect spot, right by the gardens." She said still brushing her hair.

"You are so beautiful" Anakin said and Padme looked at his smiling face.

She thought of how lucky she was to have a husband like him. Of course their marriage was secret, she was happy with him. He was always kind and strong. She loved him.

"It's only because I'm so in love..." Padme said, smiling back.

"No, it's because I'm so in love with you," Anakin said.

"So love has blinded you?" Padme asked playfully.

"Well, that's not exactly what I meant..." Anakin said furrowing his eyebrows.

"But it's probably true" Padme said and they both laughed lightly.

"I'm taking those siblings to the council tomorrow" Anakin said, "I might be gone when you wake up. I apologize".

"Who do you think they are?" Padme asked and leaned against the rail of the balcony. She threw a part of her night gown over her shoulders to cover herself, "I mean, you said they just appeared on that ship. So what if they are spies?".

"I don't think they are. Whenever I'm around them, they just burn with light like you do" Anakin said and Padme flushed, "I want answers but for now I trust them".

"And I trust you. I don't know why but they seem so familiar. Like I've seen them before" Padme said.

"Yes I noticed that as well," Anakin said.

"I'm going to sleep," Padme said and walked over. She kissed Anakin shortly, "Good night Ani".

He smiled, "I'll be there in a bit".

He watched as she walked away. He walked back inside and out of their shared room. Luke and Leia sat on the couch. Leia was asleep on Luke's shoulder and Luke looked as if he was concentrating.

"I've never been one for meditating when someones on my shoulder," Anakin whispered.

Luke opened his eyes as Leia stirred in her sleep. He looked at Anakin and shrugged with one shoulder.

"She actually helps me meditate," Luke said, "Leia and I have... have a very strong bond. I guess it's because we're brother and sister but... I'm really no expert".

"You never read 'Force Bonds and Unbreakable'? Obi-Wan made me read it 20 times until I could recite each page" Anakin said.

Luke looked at Anakin for a second. He knew that he had to tell him of their origin. At least in a vague way.

"I know this is gonna be hard to believe but we did lie when we said we found the um...." Luke said.

"Invisible hand?" Anakin said, flinching at the word 'lie'.

"Yes... the truth is that my sister and I are from 26 years in the future" Luke said.

"Right," Anakin said, chuckling.

"Look I'm telling the truth" Luke said and paused, "My hand".

He lifted his hand.

"What about it?" Anakin asked, "it looks normal to me".

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