42- When Im Without You

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"Set course for Kempa" Andechu said as he walked in.

"Kempa?" A human officer questioned.

"Did I stutter?" Andechu asked as Natus walked in after.

He glanced around the room. Three other human officers sat at small stations. They looked to Andechu and Natus who had entered. The officer looked down and turned to her fellows.

"Setting course for Kempa" she said nodding to them.

"There's nothing on Kempa" Natus said once he stepped next to Andechu.

"Well our orders were clear... don't you know them?" Andechu asked, "I thought you knew everything future boy".

"This never happened in the past" Natus growled, "why do you still treat me like a child?!"

"Oh you're not a child are you? Why do you yell at me like an immature little boy" Andechu gritted his teeth.

"Our orders were to go to Mustafar" Natus said sternly, "I thought you wanted to obey your master".

Andechu turned to Natus sharply.

"Of course I do" Andechu said, "However, I am not done with my 'mind games' Darth Natus".

"Fine... What's on Kempa" Natus asked, "Help me to understand this nonsense".

"Allies. Strong allies that will help in our battle against the Republic" Andechu said.

"Tatooine is better for allies" Natus said, "the sand people..."

"Are all dead.... or have you forgotten?" Andechu said glancing at Natus slightly.

Natus scowled and turned to walk away.

He walked through the halls with a stride and stopped at a certain door. His meditation room across from Andechu. He walked in and locked the door and sat in the middle of the room.

He looked at the mirrored wall where Luke sat across.

"Enjoying the show?" Natus asked Luke.

"Maybe... if you tell me what it's about" Luke said, crossing his arms.

Natus chuckled, "well joining the dark side are we?"

"Never" Luke said quickly.

"Why not? What's the light side done for you anyway?" Natus asked.

"Think hard... it'll come to you once you snap the hell out of it" Luke said.

"Me?" Natus questioned, "why don't you snap out of it? We are one in the same".

Luke pondered these words. He looked down at his lap for a split second. He looked back up at Natus.


"How the hell am I supposed to get up there?" Leia yelled, "Moreover how am I supposed to dodge the shots being fired by them".

She stood on the ground looking up at the obstacle parkour course. The clones stood ready to shoot at her from many angles.

"Block them with your lightsaber" Anakin said simply.

Leia sighed.

"Focus, you're over complicating all of this. It's quite easy to accomplish even if you weren't force sensitive" Anakin said, "I've seen you use the force. Quite beautifully if I remember correctly"

"After... Grievous and what happened to Obi-Wan... I feel like... like I was cut off from the force" Leia said looking up".

"Reach my position Leia, and we'll talk about it" Anakin said.

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