17- Oh I Love It and I Hate It At The Same Time

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Luke and Anakin walked in the hall side by side. Anakin had been telling luke about his mother and the way they grew up. Alhough he already knew the story he still listened. It was his own father telling him.

"When we were on the invisible hand... The Chancellor said something about your mother and the sand people" Luke said, "what did he mean?"

"I'd rather not talk about it" anakin said, "honestly I don't think you wanna hear that story".

"Maybe not..." Luke said with a shrug, "I was almost killed by the sand people. Obi-Wan saved me and thats when i became a rebel. When i began to fight for a cause instead of live on a farm".

"Yeah well, Obi-Wan saves everyone" Anakin said bitterly.

"Would you rather the alternative?" Luke asked.

Anakin scoffed then looked down.

"Have you been wearing those clothes everyday?" Anakin asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"I don't see how that's relevant" Luke said and chucked, "I wash them everyday if that's any consolation".

"I'll give you some of my old padawan clothes" Anakin said, "the black is an interesting choice".

"Everyone in the temple is so dull. It's just brown and beige" Luke said.

Anakin laughed.

"My thoughts exactly" Anakin said.

"How will Padme react to..." Luke said and gestured to himself.

"Surprised for sure but she's liked you ever since you walked in" Anakin said, "I'm sure she'll be delighted to know you're our son".

"I hope so" Luke said and looked down.

"What's wrong?" Anakin had stopped walking. Luke stopped with him.

"Just that... your so... different" Luke said, "from...from my father in my time"

Anakin frowned, "please, please tell me what happened. Tell me how to stop it".

"You have to see for yourself" Luke said, "I can't tell you".

"Luke it's the fate of the Jedi, you and your sister..... your mother.... It doesn't matter?" Anakin questioned.

"I want to tell you. Just like I wanted to tell you I was your son" Luke said and looked into his eyes, "I'm sorry it has to be like this".

"Its fine... its fine" Anakin said, "we're almost home... we'll... we'll talk about this later".

They started walking again. Anakin eyes had been blurring for most of the day.



Anakin rubbed his head as he turned the corner. He found himself on a platform where he had been. Luke and Darth Vader stood facing each other.

"Fancy seeing you here" said a familiar voice.

Anakin looked behind him. Obi-Wan was leaning against the railing.

"So... is it gonna continue?" Anakin asked.

"It would be odd if it wasn't" Obi-Wan said, "try not to get too worked up though. You realize you cannot intervene".

"Its hard to watch" Anakin said.

Obi-Wan simply nodded and they both turned to look at the scene continue play out.

"It is the name of your true self. You've only forgotten. I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully. That is why you couldn't destroy me. That's why you won't bring me to your Emperor now" Luke said.

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