36- We're On The Same Side

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"Where you from blondie?" Taro asked.

The question started Luke who had started meditating. It had been hours since they had last had a conversation. He looked up and stood.

"Here" Luke stuttered slightly, "I'm from here".

"And where is here?" Taro asked after a quick look around, "not like we have windows here".

"Tatooine" Luke said, "we're on the planet Tatooine".

"Ah thats explains the heat. So what are you anyway?" Taro asked.

"How do you mean?" Luke asked.

He sat on his adjacent bed, laying his forearms on his lap.

"I mean you look like them siths" Taro said, "wearing such dark clothing, I'd assume you were one".

"It's a little more complicated than that but I am a jedi" Luke said.

"Well then that means the Republic will be coming for you huh" Taro said.

"I hope not" Luke said.

"Really? Why?" Taro asked.

"Because it would be a trap" Luke muttered.

"Trap or not we need savin'" Taro said.

"When were you captured".

"I was taken out of the clone army and made a general. Usually only jedi are made Generals" Taro said, "my team failed to save me when we battled on Achu".

"I ran after my fa- my general to fight Darth Andechu" Luke said.

Taro didn't speak for a moment.

"Are you a Padawan?" Taro asked, "where's the braid?".

"Er it's complicated" Luke said.

A droid group marched by and stood infront of the cell. The red barrier disappeared and the droids walked in. They grabbed luke and hancuffed him immediately.

He struggled against their grip as they dragged him out. The barrier appeared again and locked Taro in. He ran to stand at the cell door.

"You good kid?" Taro asked.

"I dunno, we'll see" Luke said as he was dragged away.


He was sat down harshly on a chair across from another. He layed his hands on the table. His stare on the empty chair infront of him. The door shut behind the droids as they marched out in a single file line.

He looked around the room and finally spotted the camera. The door opened again and Andechu walked in. Luke looked at him as he walked around the table.

"What did you do to me?" Luke asked.

Andechu said nothing and sat down infront of him. Luke watched him keeping his expression calm and collected.

"You slept for a while you know" Andechu said, "I almost thought you were dead".

"What did you do to me?" Luke asked again.

"The skin of your hand is gone no?" Andechu question and smirked, "im sure it's odvious".

"Why? What do you need synthetic skin for?" Luke asked.

"Why don't we talk about you?" Andechu said.

"Why? What exactly do you want from me besides Anakin?" Luke asked.

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