30- Ive Tried And Tried A Million Times

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Anakin, Luke, Leia and Ahsoka made their way through the intricate tunnels cave. Whether is was bumbing their heads on teh short passege ways or getting sand in their eyes, the trek was a long and hard one. There were many confusing twists, turns and wrong turns before they made it to a open space. The two sun's shined down the center filling the room with warm light. The cave was cool and comforting now that they had made it to the center.

"Alright let's sit down and relax. We'll go from there" Anakin said looking around the cave.

They all sat on the hard sandy ground. Crossing their legs they began to concentrate on meditation.

"Luke?" Leia said anxiously.

"Just concentrate on everything around you. The sounds and the feelings of the land. You know like when we meditate on the falcon" luke said.

"Its easy for you to say" Leia said, "I hate sitting on sand. It's uncomfortable".

"Sand is the least of our worries right now" Ahsoka said with a sigh, "its easy to say to relax and meditate but it's another thing to do it. Especially under these circumstances. Obiwan turned to the darkside, the change in the order, and many other things that have changed".

Leia shifted a but kept looking at the sandy ground. Luke sighed and looked at Anakin. Anakin met his gaze reading his expression. He was confused and worried.

"Meditation together will locate Obi-Wan. It really is our best shot" Anakin said.

"There weren't any other suggestions" Leia said.

"What exactly do we do when we find him" Ahsoka asked, "I know our proclivity for running in guns blazing or....er I mean lightsabers blazing".

"Why can't we do that then?" Anakin said with a chuckle.

"So the plan would be to have no plan?" Lukes question raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds like a good plan to me" Anakin shrugged shifting to the side.

"Well a good plan would be to have an army. Then we could launch a surprise attack why two others sneak inside. We'd be able to get to Obi-Wan that way. But Obi-Wan may not let himself be taken lightly" Leia said, "I mean he could know we coming after him".

"She's right" Anakin said looking down, "He sensed so much more than I did".


"Anakin is here" Andechu said with his eyes closed.

He sat on his throne tapping his chin. He smirked at the droid group infront of him. These droids waited for their orders.

"Bring them to me. The Skywalkers will join the darkside and we will become the most powerful force in the galaxy" Andechu said.

"My lord, maybe we should wait to attack them" the droid said.

"Are you defying me" Andechu asked his eyebrows arching slightly. His smirk turned to anger, "no droid speaks like that to Darth Andechu".

"I'm sorry my lord" said the droid.

Andechu raised his hand to reach out with the force. The droid started to spark as the sound of metal contracting was heard. The droids glowing eyes died as he was crushed into a ball of scrap. The droids looked at their falled comrad in cartoonish shock.

"Anyone else care to speak back" Andechu asked.

"No sir" the droids said in unison.

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