49- My Soul Is Doomed, So Heed Me Well

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"You just had to kick the leaf!" Leia yelled.

"Well I didn't think it would kick back!" Han yelled back.

Leia fought with her lightsaber and blaster. She shot at the long distance plants that waided through the dirt to attack. She used her lightsaber to cut down plants that tried to grab her.

"Focus! These plants are coming at us from all angles" Anakin said blocking vibes extending at him with his own weapons, "no time to bicker over kicking a plant".

Ahsoka yelled as she slashed the plant holding one of her arms, "we need to keep moving! We can't just stay here fighting forever".

Han was caught in the live vines. He shot at them, but they didn't release him. He yelled for help and Leia whipped around and slashed the vines off of him.

They began to sprint away from natures attack on them. It led them out of the tree line and into a large valley. It was the first time in a while that they had walked on grass that wasn't moving.

The clones walked around and stretched their arms. Many inspected their blasters and conversed with their fellow soldiers. Anakin was on his comms calling the ship right when he got he chance. Leia stood next to Han and talked to him at a whisper.

"Gosh I feel faint" Leia said.

"Maybe you should sit it out on... Mustafar was it?"

"I can't... Its Luke, I have to be there when we get there" she said exasperated.

"Well you cant just push yourself so much" Han said, "When was the last time you slept?".

"Maybe yesterday for a few hours... I'd rather be training than sleeping. At least ill be trained for what comes my way" Leia said.

The ship arrived quickly, and they wasted no time getting on to escape the forest. They stood in the main cockpit of the ship. Anakin was quietly navigating, getting the ship ready to take off.

"We can't just leave... these people were just very weirdly aggressive" Ahsoka said.

"Why did they even come to Kempa in the first place?" Leia asked and looked down at her tablet.

"Perhaps they had an agreement to work together" Anakin said.

"Why would anyone what to work with the Sith?" Han asked.

"It could be a number of things" Ahsoka said, "the Sith have a way with words especially if it was Obi-Wan speaking those words".

"Best we leave them to themselves. it will wear off eventually" Anakin said.

"Hopefully" Ahsoka said.

"Its your turn to think positive now snips" Anakin said, "time to go into hyperspace".


They arrived on mustafar after a few long hours. It seemed as if the trip dragged on for days. The anticipation of a coming battle kept them awake.

They landed and walked out watching themselves.


'Father?! Where are you... I can hear you now'

'We just landed, where are you?'

'About that... you might want to turn around'

"Hello again old friend" said a raspy voice.

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