61- Watching Me Take The Blame

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Obi-Wan didn't know what to expect when he walked in the ship. A group of clones like missions always were and anakin at the helm. Nothing had changes but himself and his inner feelings.

"General Kenobi" a clone greeted, "its good to have you back sir".

"Thank you" Obi-Wan said said and smiled shortly, "Its honestly good to be back".

Anakin walked towred him and they started walking down the halls.

"You got here just in time" Anakin said, "since going to Achu... people know about it now. There's a group of bounty hunters attacking them for their resources".


"Now our mission is to get the citizens of Achu their peace back" Anakin said.

Obi-Wan sighed, "its all my fault".


"No... you cannnot say this isnt my fault this time. What happened on Achu is all my fault" Obi-Wan said.

"I feel the same way" Anakin said, "bounty hunters would never know about the planet if I had never logged it into the database".

"You were following rules. I was chasing selfish intent" Obi-Wan said, "its not the same thing".

"It might not be... but I feel... guilty for revealing them" Anakin said as they stopped infrom of the cockpit.

Anakin opened the door and they sat in seats next to eachother. Anakin started to press buttons to prepare the ship for take off.

"What did Padme say of this?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Don't die" Anakin awsnered.

"A wise woman" Obi-Wan said and they chuckled.


They landed on Achu when the sun was just setting. Anakin and Obi-wan walked out to talk in the forest where they had landed. It was quiet there and the perfect place for meditation. Or it would have been had they been going into the forest for meditation.

"Do you remember anything? Being here... is it helping?" Anakin asked.

Obi-Wan sighed, "I don't know...".

They stopped and faced eachother as the moonlight shown through the trees. Obi-Wan shook his head and looked at the ground below.

"Maybe i can help you" Anakin said, "maybe through our bond we will be able to get you to remember".

"I don't know if I actually want to remember" Obi-Wan said, "I saw some things but others are just so cloudy".

"What exactly worried about?" Anakin asked, "you're confusing me a little bit".

"What if these memories just change me?" Obi-Wan asked and sighed.

"Being controlled by the most evil sith lord in the galexy didn't change you. Some lousy memories shouldn't" Anakin said, "Obi-Wan what is it you think you did?"

"Anakin... I keep getting flashbacks of being on Achu".

"So you've said".

"I killed a man... An innocent man" Obi-Wan said, "or... at least... I think I did. I thought that I had let him go at first but now I don't know anymore".

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