71- Time Stands Still

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The time that Leia and Anakin landed themselves in wasn't the time they expected. They were on planet that was all mush and the weather was humid. 

"Okay... where are we now?" Leia asked as she looked around.

She brushed her shoulders of the muck that started to accumulate, her nose wrinking in disgust.

"Careful, there are dangerous animals everywhere" Anakin warned.

Leia looked around, taking in the scenery or the marsh. The trees seemed to be watching her and animals scurried about. Much of her sight was blocked by a thick mist.

"Marsh planets... you know any?" Anakin asked.

"I know one" Leia said, "The place my brother learned the Jedi ways from Master Yoda".

"Dagobah" Anakin said in realization, "Why did we get sent here?"

Leia turned to look at him and crossed her arms, "we can't pick and choose where we're sent. There's almost never any rhyme or reason to this situation".

"Well there has to be something" Anakin said, "Time connected to the force is simple. As time goes on you get wiser in your abilities. Some take the easy way. The darkside. To be able to manipulate time through the force is the work of someone who took the easy way".

"Yes maybe, but Kadina was different. She was ruthless and strong. She used the darkside in a weird way. It all happened so fast, I barley had anytime to see" Leia said.

"You didn't see, you sensed it. We barley have anytime to react when we're attacked, it's all instinct" Anakin said, then shrugged, "or adrenaline".

"Or dumb luck" Leia said, crossing her arms, rolling her eyes.

"We should leave this planet" Anakin said, "If there were a ship nearby that I could pilot..."

"No need..." Leia said, "Just think of anyone and we'll transport to a time they are in".

"And how long do you expect to do that for?" Anakin asked.

"As long as it takes" Leia said, "I have to find my brother and we're wasting our time being here".

Anakin put his hands out defensely, "Now I know how Obi-Wan feels. Maybe you should slow down and take a breath. Rest for awhile".

"On this planet?" Leia questioned.

"You're on high alert" Anakin said grabbing her shoulders, "That would be good if we were actually under attack. But we aren't, so you can calm yourself and let yourself feel".

Leia pulled away and turned around, "No we have to keep going. As long as Luke is injured and alone, ill keep going. I'll be fine".

"All I'm saying is to take a breath" Anakin said, "Think rationaly. Luke is probably doing just fine without you. He's the one who trained you".

"I know... I know...." Leia said, "when did you get so wise?"

"Hey" anakin said, acting offended.

"I'll be fine father..." Leia said.

Anakin shook his head in disappointment, but soon started following after Leia. Once again, they thought if Luke again in an attempt to find him somewhere.

There was the black void again, whispering voices and then solid floor underneath their feet. They were sent to another time that Luke was in, but this time was not welcoming.


Luke hated this memory. Absolutely hated it more than any other memory he had. He stood infront of his aunt and uncles charred remains. No matter how much he had hated Tatooine or his uncle constantly sheltering him from the force, he still loved them. They had been his only family and the only home he had ever known.

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