3- Wait For Them To Ask You Who You Know

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"Hello there" said a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He gave a charming smile while his apprentice looked at the two with distrust. Still he felt a sense of familiarity looking at these two young strangers. The man reminded him of someone he knew, like the force pulled him to help. The woman reminded him of his wife Padme. The way her eyes looked at the both of them with curiosity.

"Hi," the boy said awkwardly.

"Who are you?" Anakin said forcefully.

He tried a mind trick that always worked on people, but it didn't seem to faze either of them.

"I'm Luke" he said confused, "This is my sister, Leia. We're... Jedi who found this ship and you know... we've been walking around to find something".

"Last name?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"Um" Luke stuttered.

"Solo," Leia said hesitantly.

"What an odd name" Obi-Wan commented and turned to Anakin, "Anakin, has R2 gotten the elevator working?".

"No, but I know he will," Anakin said.

"Yes, Anakin, do put your faith in a droid," Obi-Wan said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, stay out of the way," Anakin said.

'How rude' Anakin heard a voice say, 'how do I do that?........OK I wi....' silence.

"Where are we anyway?" Leia asked.

Obi-Wan and Anakin looked at them surprised. How could they not know where they were?

"The invisible hand," Obi-Wan said surprised.

Luke's eyes beamed in realization.

"We can help. We're Jedi" Luke said.

"Hah ever faced a Sith" Anakin said laughing slightly.

"Yes," he said, crossing his arms.

"Look, we're here to help," Leia said, pulling her hair back.

"Right then... maybe you can help," Obi-Wan said, stroking his beard.

Anakin and Obi-Wan stepped back for them to step in the elevator.

"However, did you get here?" Obi-Wan asked, looking at the two.

"We.. well you see we..." Leia stuttered.

"We snuck onto a cargo ship" Luke cut in, "We saw an opportunity to board this ship and we took it".

"Without knowing the name of the ship? How irresponsible" Obi-Wan said.

"What is your rank?" Anakin asked.

"Er well I'm a Jedi knight as is my sister" Luke said running his hand through his hair.

"Really we can help, I'm a general," Leia said.

"I've never heard of you two... when we get out of here you shall stand before the Jedi council" Obi-Wan said.

'Master we don't know them. How can we just bring them before the council'

'Anakin, have some faith. If you put as much faith in some people as you do in that astromech'

'I can put my faith in others. Just not when they show up with some outrageous story'

'I hear them from you all the time. Trust me'

'Okay master'

"That's fine. Whatever you need to do" Luke said as the elevator moved.

The elevator stopped and they were forced to navigate the ship. Cutting down droids then swimming through questionable water. Finally they reached the outside where they were met with large droids.

"Destroyers" Anakin exclaimed.

Finally another set of doors opened and they rushed inside under fire.

"Drop your weapons! I said drop em" said someone behind them.

Anakin and Obi-Wan activated their light-sabers and destroyed all the droids in the elevator. They waited for a second before they looked at each other then Luke and Leia who had looked ready for battle.

The elevator begins to move as they regain their composure. Then it screeches to a stop.

"Did you press the stop button?" Obi-Wan asks Anakin.

"No, did you?" Anakin replies.

"No," Obi-Wan said.

"No time for this!" Leia said.

"Well there's one way out of here" Anakin says and ignites his lightsaber.

"Don't we want to stay here?" Leia asked urgently.

"Yes, we don't want to get out, we want to get moving. R2.... R2 do you copy?" Obi-Wan said, pressing his com-link as he looked at the control panel, "31174..."

Anakin starts cutting a hole in the ceiling of the elevator.

"We're never gonna get out of here with that pace" Luke said, igniting his own lightsaber to assist Anakin.

Anakin and Luke managed to get through the ceiling. Anakin pulls himself through the ceiling then helped Luke up.

"Always on the move" Obi-Wan said and continued to talk to R2 urgently trying to get R2 on the line.

Eventually he replies and the elevator starts moving downwards. Leia falls to the floor gripping the sides. Obi-Wan fell as well.

On top of the elevator Anakin and Luke jumped onto an entry to a hallway.

"Is this always how it is?" Luke asked, looking at Anakin.

Anakin laughed.

Back in the elevator Obi-Wan struggled to tell R2 to get the elevator going up.

Back up with Anakin and Luke they struggled to hold on as the door opened to two droids.

"Hands up Jedi! Don't move" said one.

"Roger Roger" said the second.


The elevator finally starts moving up and Obi-Wan stands helping Leia up in the process.

"Are you alright darling?" he asked.

"Yes thank you" she said.

Anakin and Luke drop down into the elevator one after another.

Obi-Wan turns igniting his light-saber.

"Oh it's you two," Obi-Wan said.

"What was that all about?" Anakin asked.

"Well, R2 has been..."

"No loose wire jokes he's doing the best he can"

"Did I say anything?" Obi-Wan asked, looking at Luke who shrugged and shook his head.

"He's trying," Anakin said defensively.

"I didn't say anything".

The elevator opened and the four Jedi carefully and quietly made their way to the main room. Anakin and Obi-Wan's mission was to save the Chancellor from the hands of the separatists.

When they got to the main room Luke locked up at the sight of the Chancellor and took a step back. Leia stayed with him, confused and questioned why he froze, but he didn't answer.

Momentarily Anakin looked at him only to see fear in his eyes but turned back to check on the Chancellor.

From far away an image flashed through his mind. A voice that shook him to his core.

'Now young s$u+×ak3~ you will die'

He didn't catch the name but the face haunted him but he kept his composure.

Anakin and Obi-Wan got the Chancellor and bowed as they spoke.

"Chancellor" Obi-Wan says and bows.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asks.

"Who are your friends?" he asked then looked behind them and a gaunt expression appeared on his face.. he gestured up and whispered, "Count Dooku"

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