54- Welcome To The New Age

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ROTS time planet Achu

Alcina Jacen and Kadina Ovb sat across from each other in Alcina's home. They were sisters. Kadina was crying, no sobbing over the death of her husband. He was murdered by a read haired man in black and red.

"He didn't do anything Alcina" she cried, "he was a good and honest man".

"Kaddy it's alright, it's going to be alright" she whispered, holding Kadina's hand.

Kadina looked up and whipped her tears. Her sister almost fell back. Looking into her blood red eyes.


"He was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi... a Jedi turned Sith. I will destroy him and get my revenge" Kadina said.

"Who are you? You not my sister" Alcina said.

"Of course... rejected by my own sister. Precisely the reason for my path" she laughed, "I love you dear sister".

"I... oh Kadina I'm so frightened" Alcina struggled to catch her breath.

"There's no need for that, darling" Kadina said, "I'm not here for you... I'm here for someone else".

"Who? That Obi-Wan? Kadina revenge will give you nothing" Alcina said.

"Maybe your right" she said and slowly took out something.

"What's that?" Alcina asked.

"Its an old lightsaber that was lost. My husband found it in a box of scraps" Kadina said, "He was gonna sell it before he died".

Alcina watched Kadina stand and sigh.

"How are you going to use a lightsaber Kadina?" Alcina asked, "you can't even do the things they do".

"I can learn" Kadina said.

"No you can't" Alcina said, "what the Jedi do is almost like magic. They learn it from childhood. How can you learn it now at your age".

"I'm barley 20 Alcina, I'm still young enough to learn how to do what they do" Kadina said.

"Kadina what happened to your eyes?" Alcina gathered the courage to ask.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking to a mirror.

It was then she realized what Alcina was talking about. Her eyes had become red. She stared at herself in shock but she felt no fear. She only felt anger and sadness.

"Strange" Kadina muttered.

"Kaddy your eyes are blood red. That's not just strange, it's downright terrifying" Alcina said.

"I pose no threat to you. Just like any other citizen of Achu" Kadina said and crossed her arms.

"But we're not from Achu" Alcina said.

"What? What do you mean?" Kadina said.

"We're from Drosmand" Alcina said.

"What?" Kadina blurted.

"Er... yes we moved here when you were a baby" Alcina said, "our parents never told you?".

"No" she answered.

A knock came at door startling both women.

"Whos that?" Kadina asked.

Alcina carefully walked to the window. She squinted her eyes and looked back to Kadina.

"Its... I think they're Jedi" Alcina said, "these two look related".

Kadina took a step to the window and looked for herself. The man who had knocked was taller than the other. They looked almost like brothers. Though Alcina was right, they looked like Jedi. On top of that they looked worried about something.

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