65- Whats Wrong With Being

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Luke and Leia had been traveling for a few hours. The weather was a bit harsh and the wind had been whipping them around the path they were taking. Luke hadn't said much except when creatures attacked and he had to let Leia know of his next move. He would never admit it but the healing Obi-Wan did was wearing off. Every jump and fight against the local wildlife brought him back to the terrible white pain.

Luke had made the jump up to the ledge and gripped the railing to steady himself. He looked down into the darkness of the cave and then up at the zip line descending into the darkness. He reached up with his mechanical hand and grabbed the line.

Leia made the jump a bit less graceful, and also walked to the ledge to look down into the cave alongside Luke. Luke le go, back onto his feet to face Leia. She met his eyes with a look of confusion.

"How the hell do we get down there?" Leia asked.

Luke pointed to the zip line, "Probably with that".

"Oh... a zip line?" Leia said and took the map off her belt, "once we get down there, there should be a lift that will take us to the bottom part of the temple".

Luke looked at the map himself taking it from Leia's hand, "It would be faster to take this path to the lift... right?"

Leia looked closely at where he was pointing, "should be".

"Alright lets get down there" Luke said looking up at the zip line.

Leia clipped the map back onto her belt and then took another clip off of her belt. It have a bit of slack before stopping. She made sure it was secure and then looked at Luke.

"Boost me up" She said.

Luke interlocked his hands and she stepped up and onto the zip line. She hooked her leg on the line as she hooked her clip to the line.

"Be careful when you get down there" Luke said.

"i don't sense anything down there" Leia said.

"Yes well i do" Luke said, "i'm sure you'll understand when you're fully trained".

Leia rolled her eyes and pushed herself to go down the zip line. Luke watched as she disappeared into the darkness of the cave.

Luke jumped up and hooked his own clip to the zip line. He pushed off the poll and decended into the cave. Or he would have if the line didn't break and plunge him down.

He landed hard in the freezing water below. He swam to the top gasping for air. He looked around as leias voice yelled in his head.

'Luke?! What happened?!'

'The line snapped. I'm fine'

He swam to the ledge and pulled himself out of the water.

'It feels like someone was murdered in here'

Luke sighed, 'Be carful up there Leia'.

Luke stood up and peeled his soaked jacket off his arms. Despite the freezing weather, it was hot in the cave. He took out his light saber and used it as a light.

Slowly he trudged his way through the cave. The green light bounced off the cave walls illuminating an aray of wildlife Luke would rather not be woken up. The exit to this part of the cave behind a Rapid Joduz that was blocking the path.

'I hope you're doing better than I am Leia'


Though it was dimly lit, Leia could see the cave clearly. She clipped off the map and opened it to see her location.

"Where are you?" She asked herself.

She zoomed in to the bottom where Luke had fallen down. There was no paths on the map, but blocked door that apparently led down begged to differ.

"If anything he'd get out there wouldn't he?" Leia questioned.

She looked up bit jumped when she heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello" said a voice.

Leia reacted quickly and pulled out her lightsaber and pointed it in the direction of the voice.

She finally saw her. A woman who wore all black clothing but had eyes that burned like fire. She felt different... dark.

"Who are you?" Said Leia in a demanding voice.

"My names Kadina... and you?" She asked, "What's you're name?"

Leia hesitated, "I'm Leia Or... Skywalker".

"Skywalker?" Said Kadina with a smirk playing on her face, "Like Anakin Skywalker?".

Leia sealed her lips, holding her defective stance at Kadina. Kadina shrugged and moved around Leia.

"So is that a yes?" Kadina asked

Leias hands tightened on her weapon.

"You're quite a sight to see" she said, "a jedi on Zeffo?"

Leia still did not awnser.

"How can it be?" She asked, "how did you survive the purge?"

"I hid" Leia said.

Kadina laughed and looked at Leia with a murderous look, "lier".

"Are you a bounty hunter or something? What do you want?" Leia demanded.

"You know Obi-Wan Kenobi.... don't you?" She asked.

"Never heard of such a man" Leia awnsered.

"Stop lying" Kadina said in a singing voice.

"Why would I tell the truth to you?" Leia asked raising an eyebrow, "I don't know you... and how do you know Anakin Skywalker?"

"I know he is Darth Vader" Kadina said.

"Anakin Skywalker is dead" Leia said.

She remembered her knowledge of what Luke had been told about Anakin. How Darth Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker, and it was true in a sense.

"Oh?" Kadina asked

"Darth Vader turned on him" Leia said.

"Really?" Kadina asked.

Leia stepped back as Kadina tried to move closer to her.

"Stop" Leia demanded, "I won't hesitate to defend myself".

"Ha" Kadina said, "I am weaponless, Leia. You are the one with the laser sword".

"What do you want from me?" Leia yelled.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi killed my husband" Kadina said, "or... should I say Darth Andechu did?".

Leias breath caught in her throat.

"He was the only casualty of the lord" Kadina said looking to the sky, "My love was taken from me".

Tears fell from her face now. Leia stood straight now feeling as if she should listen. Though another part of her was telling her to keep her blade trained on the red eyed woman.

Kadinas red eyes fell on her again, but they weren't angry looking anymore. They were filled with pain and sadness. A look Leia had been familiar with before.

"It wasn't Obi-Wan" Leia blurted.

"Did he tell you that?" Kadina asked, "are you sure... that you can still trust Obi-Wan after what he did... to your brother".

Leia felt the anger rise in her now. The inexperience of her Jedi training escaped her and every instinct told her it was time to fight. But she waited.

"Maybe... the way I hurt Obi-Wan... is to hurt those he holds dear" Kadina said.

"Who the hell are you?" Leia growled through her teeth.

Kadina smiled now and raised her hand. A weapon flew to it and she ignited the blade. It was similar to a lightsaber, however when she twirled it, it turned into a whip.

"And maybe I should start with Anakin" Kadina spoke.

Leia wanted to step back and flee, but something in her didn't let her. She let out a yell and ran at Kadina, swinging her blue blade swiftly.

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