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"Ryan, did you pack Riley's sleep machine?" Lacey asked, looking everywhere for the little hatch machine they'd bought her as a newborn. It had become their saving grace when Riley was having a tough time going to sleep.

"In the suitcase babe. Are we taking the Sierra or Edge?" Ryan yelled back, finishing packing up the last of their things.

"I'm gonna say it depends on what Jay and Hailey take. If they take the truck, we can stuff some of our stuff in there. If they take her car, we'll probably have to take our truck," She told her husband leaning against the door jam while she texted Jay.

Lace: What are you guys taking? Truck or Jeep? Our car choice kinda depends on you.

Jay: Probably the truck. Figured we'd have the most room.

Lace: Awesome. See you guys soon. We are meeting at my house, right?

Jay: Yeah, we're finishing up packing now and we'll be over to get some of your stuff in. Don't pack the whole house.

Lace: already did 😝

"Okay. Jay said they're taking the truck so we can take my car. Did you pack the diaper bag?" Lacey asked, still looking at her phone for the time. 10:30 AM. They were all hoping to get on the road by 11.

"I did not. I washed all the bottles this morning so they should be ready to go." Ryan smiled, zipping up their suitcase and taking it down the steps. "Jay and Hailey are here!" He yelled back up as Lacey got some last-minute things in her purse.

Riley was awake in her swing watching all the commotion around her but beamed once she saw her aunt and uncle walk through the door.

"Hey, stinker!" Jay smiled, immediately lifting her out of the swing as Lacey packed the baby's bag for the car ride.

"She's supposed to be napping but Ryan and I rushing all over the house is keeping her up," Lacey smiled, watching her daughter grab her uncle's face.

"She'll be fine. She's got 14 hours to sleep," Jay smiled, bouncing the baby to make her laugh.

"Good thing she loves the car" Ryan smiled, coming into the open living room and kitchen with the last of their bags. "You guys got the pack n play right?"

"In the truck already,"

"Can you start taking this apart?" Lacey asked her brother, gesturing to the swing.

"You're really taking that?" Jay groaned, Hailey playfully smacking him in the arm. "Ow,"

"You asked a stupid question," she shrugged, "just take the swing apart,"

"You women really stick together don't you?"

"I learned to stop asking questions," Ryan chuckled as he came inside, seeing his wife and sister-in-law standing together with smirks on both of their faces. He kissed Lacey's cheek before helping Jay get the swing disassembled and in the back of the Ram.

"Hey, guys" Will smiled, joining the rest of the family with his 2 kids after Owen decided to stay with Natalie. Katie and Jamie were laughing about some joke they'd made up in the car as they came in the house.

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