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"Lace are you sure?" Ryan asked as Lacey got ready for work, after a few days of recovering.

"Ryan, I'm going crazy in this house. I need to go back to work," she sighed, putting her star on her belt as well as her gun.

"Okay but, can you please promise to take it easy?"

"Baby, please stop worrying about me," she smiled a little, kissing him before she went down to the kitchen.

"You know I'm always gonna worry about you right?" The man sighed, right behind his wife after she got the baby up.

"I do. Just like I always worry about you. We have dangerous jobs love," she pointed out, quickly making a bottle for Lyla as she held her.

"Just promise you'll be careful?"

"I'm not planning on leaving the bullpen today. Except maybe for lunch," she smiled, shaking the bottle in her hand before handing it to the infant. All Ryan responded with was a kiss to Lacey's temple before finishing his own breakfast.

"Alright. Daddy's leaving," Ryan told Riley, as Lacey was finishing up Lyla's bottle.

"Buh buh dada!" Riley beamed, hanging onto Ryan as he lifted her up.

"Bye baby girl, daddy loves you," he smiled, setting her on the floor before turning to his wife and other daughter. "Bye Lyla, I'll see you later baby," he smiled, kissing Lacey before kissing the baby's head.

"Love you," Lacey smiled.

"Love you more. Be careful today," he smiled, grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

Lacey grinned and got both the girls into her car, and they were off to daycare. She had to admit that she missed the playlist of super simple songs and cocomelon as she made the short drive.

"Ready Ri?" She asked, putting the car in park and shutting it off.

"Mama!" She clapped, waiting patiently for Lacey to get Lyla and then come to her side. As soon as Riley was released from her car seat, she held Lacey's hand and walked in, going right to her classroom.

"Good morning Riley!" Her teacher greeted her as she opened the door.

Riley smiled and gave her teacher a wave as Lacey kneeled to hug her baby.

"You be good, I'll message Miss Bristol when I'm on my way,"

"Buh mama," Riley giggled, kissing Lacey's cheek.

"Love you stinker," Lacey smiled as her toddler ran into her classroom. She quickly dropped Lyla off, put her car seat away, and headed back out to the car.

As soon as she pulled up to work, she just felt right. She needed to be there. She went through the front doors and up the steps to see Trudy at her desk like normal.

"Hey Lacey,"

"Hey sarge," she smiled, heading up to the desk.

"Probably tired of people asking this. But I'm gonna do it anyway, how you doing?"

"Comes in waves," she shrugged, "today is a pretty good day,"

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