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Thankfully, they didn't spend too much longer at the hospital and soon were on their way to Jay and Hailey's apartment to pick up their kids, (They were luckily able to pick them up when they got Camden).

"I'll run up and get the girls, you wanna wait here?" Ryan asked as he put the truck in a parking spot before putting it in park.

"Will you leave the truck running so I can have the heated seats on?" She asked, looking over at him as he sat back.

"Yes, I will. I'll be back in a few minutes," He nodded, leaning over the console to kiss her, "Stay out of trouble,"

"No promises,"

"With you, I'm not surprised by that,"

'Go get our kids," She chuckled, playfully swatting his shoulder before he got out.

Ryan chuckled, letting his feet hit the ground before he shut his door and headed up to jay and Hailey's apartment. As soon as he got into the apartment, he could hear the 2 little pairs of feet rushing for him.

"Daddy!" Riley squealed, running right into his arms as he kneeled to her level.

"Hi baby," He chuckled, catching her and holding her in the hug as long as he could. "Did you have fun with uncle Jay and aunt Hailey?"

"Yeah!" She giggled, "We watt Bwuey!"

"You watched Bluey? You love Bluey don't you?" He chuckled, lifting Lyla as he stood up.

"Yeah, daddy!"

"You ready to go? Mommy's in the truck," Ryan asked as he took the girl's things from Jay, "Thanks for getting them. Hopefully, Lace can stay out of the hospital for more than a week this time,"

"I wouldn't count on that, she's worse than me," Jay shrugged, chuckling a little as Riley hugged his leg. "I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay!" Riley giggled, hugging Hailey's leg as she came out to say goodbye.

"I'll see you later stinker," She chuckled, picking her up to kiss her cheek.

The 3 of them headed back down to the truck soon enough, Ryan opening the door and lifting Riley in before setting Lyla in her seat. Riley went and waited on the other side while Ryan buckled Lyla in, he then went to Riley's side, putting the child in her still rear-facing seat and buckling her in before finally getting himself back in the driver's seat.

"Were they good?" Lacey asked, looking behind her as best as she could without moving too much.

"They didn't say they weren't," he chuckled, driving them all home for the night.

They had an easy dinner of frozen pizza and the girls got a little play time before Ryan gave them a bath and started to put them to bed for the night.


Luckily, after a few weeks of recovering, Lacey was feeling a little bit more like herself and was willing to go to work and sit at the desk. She was going stir-crazy in the house if she was being honest and had binge-watched anything she could before begging Jay to let her come back to the desk at least.

Jay reluctantly agreed, deciding if Will was on board then she could. Her ribs were healing and she'd still be out of fieldwork for another month but she was okay with just being able to get out of the house.

Ryan got up the next morning, making coffee and packing the girls a small breakfast since they needed to get out of the house early. Ryan had wanted to meet with his team early to go over a possible break in one of their cases but didn't want to have Jay, Hailey, or Will to have to rush them to daycare before they went to work. Lacey got up and got herself ready, taking a hot shower while Ryan got the girls ready to go.

"Go tell mommy bye," He told Riley as soon as he got her in her cute little outfit.

"Otay!" She giggled, bouncing as she ran to her parent's bedroom and found Lacey in the closet, "Buh buh mama!"

"Bye baby, you be good okay?" Lacey said as she slowly kneeled down to kiss her baby girl.

"I be good mama!" Riley promised, smiling as she went back to her father.

Ryan brought Lyla in to do the same as he was ready and had to leave in the next few minutes.

"You gonna be okay today?" He asked after his wife kissed their little girl's forehead.

"I'll be fine. I'm not leaving the district. I'll be at my desk the whole day, and I'm not even driving, Jay is coming to get me," She chuckled, kissing him after she finished her sentence.

"Okay. If you start feeling bad, I can probably leave a little early,"

"Don't you dare," Lacey chuckled, finishing up picking her outfit before grabbing her shoes.

"I'll see you later babe,"

"I love you," She smiled, blowing one more kiss to Lyla before he left the bedroom and took the girls from the house.


A/N: Sorry for this short update guys! The week got away from me and I actually wrote this all in a matter of an hour! Regardless, hope you enjoy it!

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