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The snow came in fast and dropped a ton within hours. Jay and Ryan were now stranded in Indiana and had called their wives to warn them that they may not make it home for the holiday.

Hailey knew the key code to the Davis house and was permitted to use it whenever she pleased. After she'd gotten off the phone with Jay, she immediately put Camden in the car and drove to her sister's house.

"He's a dead man," Hailey said as she kicked off her snow boots and handed Camden to his aunt.

"Mine is too," she sighed, "he promised me that he'd be home for Christmas and that idiot didn't look to see if a winter storm was coming!"

"Wheres the wine?"

"You staying over?"

"Yep!" Hailey nodded, going into the pantry to pull out a new bottle.

They both took a glass and had dinner at the Davis home before they went to bed.


Both of them woke up on Christmas Eve morning, checking on the storm and hoping their husbands would be home.

They both got up and got their babies all ready for a day at home with their moms and aunts. Hailey was now stuck at the Davis home, as the snow had gotten worse and dropped at least a foot on them.

"Do they even have a chance of getting home?" Lacey asked Hailey as they played with the kids on the floor and watched the news.

"I don't think so," she sighed, leaning against the couch as she held Camden up on his little feet.

"Well. Then it's just us for Christmas. No way Will can get here with how bad it is,"

"Yep," Hailey agreed, "and all of Cam's presents are at home,"

Lacey nodded and sighed, "I'm sure Lyla is willing to share the tearing of the wrapping paper,"

They didn't do much that Christmas Eve but make a nice ham dinner for themselves before they went to bed. Hailey slept on the couch downstairs while Lacey slept in her bed.

Jay and Ryan had taken all day to find a way home through the storm, managing to stop at the Halstead home. When they saw Hailey and Camden were not there, they loaded up the presents and made their way to the Davis house. The 3-hour drive had turned into an all-day adventure through closed roads and snowbanks but they managed to pull into the Davis driveway at 3 in the morning on Christmas Day.

Ryan slipped into bed quietly around 3:15 in the morning and wrapped his arms around Lacey as she slept. He smiled softly as he saw the silicone band on her hand and slowly got up. He quietly went to the dresser, pulling the velvet box out that held her brand new ring. He carefully lifted her hand off the pillow and slid the silicone ring off, before slipping on her new wedding ring. Lacey didn't move an inch when he definitely expected her to, but he was thankful he slept through it.

Jay had decided to sleep on the other end of the sectional once he'd seen Hailey's SUV in the driveway, but before he did, he made sure to wake his wife up and let her know that he made it home.

"Hey Hail," he chuckled, shaking his wife carefully so she wouldn't hit him when he woke up.

"Jay go get Cam," She mumbled, rolling over to face the couch.

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