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A few days after getting up and moving around, Lacey started feeling better and helping out more with housework.

Ryan had taken a few days off, helping her with anything she needed but also letting her do what she needed to.

Lyla had another appointment with her pediatrician so they got up and got ready, getting both kids in the truck. They stopped first at Riley's daycare, Lacey holding her hand as they walked in. Ryan stayed out in the truck with Lyla.

"Good morning Riley," Bristol smiled opening the Toddler 1 door. "Mama brought you today! How are you doing?"

"I'm a lot better, sissy starts here in a few weeks!" She beamed, kneeling to kiss Riley's cheek. "Alright. I love you, have a good day. Be good,"

"You want some snack Ri? I got it all ready!" Bristol smiled, shutting the door as the toddler walked in and sat at the little table.

Lacey smiled a bit as she got back in the truck, taking Ryan's hand as he drove them to the doctor's office. Ryan parked the truck and got out, getting Lyla out of the backseat before they headed in.

Lacey checked the baby in, sitting beside her husband as their little one slept in her car seat. She stared down at her baby, who looked most like her father. It was only fair, Riley was the spitting image of her mother.

"Lyla?" A nurse came out, Lacey and Ryan both got up. Ryan carried the seat with the baby in it, as Lacey wasn't allowed to lift anything still. "How are we doing?"

"Pretty good. Seems like she's growing," Lacey answered, sitting down as Ryan handed the little one over to his wife.

"Formula right?" The nurse asked, getting a nod from both parents, "which one?"

"We've been using Enfamil Gentlease," Ryan answered, leaning against the exam table in the room.

"And she seems to be getting a little chunkier?"

"Yeah," Lacey chuckled, rocking Lyla in her arms.

"Is she following you guys with her eyes around the room when you lay her on the floor?"

"I think so," Ryan nodded, looking to Lacey who also nodded.

The nurse asked a few more questions before promising the doctor would be coming in shortly.

Ryan took the baby from his wife and set her on the exam table, carefully undressing her so she was just in a diaper. Lacey got the thin blanket from the bag and handed it over, watching Ryan wrap her up and hold the small baby as she cried.

The doctor came in and performed the whole exam, letting them go after it was done. Lyla would get her shots at their next visit so they packed up and headed out.

"Can we stop at the district?" Lacey asked, getting in the truck as Ryan set Lyla in.

"You want the team to meet her?" He asked, opening his door and jumping in.

"Yeah. It's time. They haven't been able to because I've been in bed and you've been working," she smiled, buckling in and looking to Ryan for an answer.

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