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"What about fingerprints?" Adam asked, looking at the rest of the team as they came in.

"Nothing yet. Still waiting to see if there's a match," Lacey sighed, "the only other place there could be fingerprints is on the TV. Looks like he tried to pry it off the wall but just left it. Came after my jewelry instead,"

"He took your wedding ring?" Adam asked, looking at the list she'd made of what was missing.

"Yeah," she nodded, looking at the silicone ring on her finger.

"We'll get it back," Jay assured her.

"I just feel weird not having it on," she sighed before turning her attention to figure out who broke into her home. The fact that her baby was inside, made her even angrier. She pulled her phone out and texted her husband that they were at the house and trying to figure the break-in out.

Ryan was there in minutes, putting his arm around his wife, "Find anything?"

"Not yet,"

"They're running fingerprints on the keypad and TV," Jay filled in before turning to his sister, "Lace you can sit this one out if you-"

"No Jay. You know I won't sit back on this. My 2-year-old was in here,"

"I figured you wouldn't but had to offer,"

Lacey nodded, all of them looking around until they found anything.


Ryan and Lacey were both home that evening and both spent time with the girls before putting them to bed.

Ryan came back down the steps to Lacey resetting the alarm before checking the doors and checking the alarm again.

"Honey, it's set. The doors are all locked. Let's go to bed,"

"Yeah. You're right. Are the girls asleep?"

"Riley is. Lyla is working on it," Ryan nodded, keeping his arm around her as they headed upstairs.

They both got in bed and got comfortable before turning on the TV to watch a movie.

Ryan was asleep in minutes but Lacey couldn't get her mind to shut off. She groaned a little as she saw it hit 2 am, got out of bed, and looked out the window as a patrol car rolled by. She sighed and looked out the window one more time before slipping out of their room and downstairs.

She tried watching TV, relaxing rain sounds, and eventually, went for the sleep aid that Dr. Choi had prescribed for her. She grabbed Ryan's hoodie from their entryway and put it on before laying down on the couch.

Ryan woke up only an hour later to see the empty spot beside him. He knew she was either downstairs or in the office so he got up to make sure everything was okay. He glanced in the office before going down the steps, coming around the corner to immediately see his wife, sound asleep on the couch.

"Honey," he chuckled, carefully shaking her. He knew the dose wasn't enough to keep her asleep, just enough to help her fall asleep.


"Let's go get back in bed," he suggested, "You'll be more comfortable. I'll carry you,"

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