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Around 4 AM, Lacey woke up to her stomach-churning. She groaned a little and went to sit up but that just made it worse.

"You okay?" Ryan mumbled, feeling Lacey moving around on the other side of the bed.

"Nauseous," she mumbled, curling up again.

"Roll over honey," Ryan sighed, watching Lacey roll over to face him before feeling her forehead. "You're not warm, anything else bugging you?"

"No. Just my stomach," she sighed, cuddling up to him and trying to sleep a little bit longer.

Riley woke up around 5:40, making both of them get up and start their morning.

Lacey was getting Riley ready and still feeling nauseous before she set Riley in her crib and ran to the bathroom. Ryan heard her, and slowly went in pulling her hair back for her as she threw up several times.

"That it?" He asked, letting Lacey lean against him.

"Think so," she mumbled.

"Come on, back to bed. you're not going in," Ryan told her, helping her up and getting her back to their bed. He sat down, pulling the blankets over her before texting Jay.

Ryan: Lace isn't coming in today. Started vomiting this morning.

Jay: I'll tell Voight.

"Jay's gonna talk to Voight. You go to sleep. I'll drop Riley at daycare and I'll check in on you later." Ryan sighed, kissing her head before heading out.

Lacey laid around all morning and after one more episode, felt much better. She ended up going to work, even if she was just on desk duty. No fever and no other symptoms so she figured it must've been something she ate. So she got her stuff together and texted Ryan that she was going in.

Lacey: I'm heading in, I feel fine now. Must've been something I ate.

Ryan: okay. Be careful. I Love you

Lacey: Love you too ❤️


"Hey, you're supposed to be in bed," Jay said as they came up the steps.

"Something I ate, I feel fine now," she shrugged, logging into her computer. "What's happening today?"

"ODs and someone torches the car,"

"With the OD still in it?" Lacey asked, looking up at them with a frown. They both nodded. "So someone's covering their tracks. Selling dope laced with whatever, person ODs and dealer torches the car?"

"Looks like it," Jay sighed, sitting at his desk.

Hours later, they had talked one of Hailey's CI into a buy where they could see what was going on. Lacey and Kevin were both in their own cars, tucked away in alleyways while Jay and Hailey, and Adam and Kim were parked on the regular street.

As soon as the buy was done, Lacey followed the CI making a buffer between the 2. They got on a pretty quiet road towards the woods, heading towards the other side of town. The rain started, accompanied by lightning and thunder, making the road slicker than it would be dry. Lacey constantly checked her mirrors, watching the car behind her. She watched it stay right on her tail, and then jerk to the side and attempt to run her off the road. She pushed back, bumping the cars together as she tried to get the upper hand on the smaller car.

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