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Ryan was up right at 6 to get ready for work in the morning. He looked over at Lacey and smiled as he saw her sound asleep in the recliner. He was careful not to wake her up as he knew sleeping wasn't the easiest for her with her injuries.

He waited for a while before Jay came over to take the first shift with Lacey.

"Hey man," Ryan said as Jay came into the kitchen. "Thanks for doing this,"

"She's my sister. I'll always be here,"

"She's gonna fight you on anything and everything. Just work with her. You know her,"

"Yeah I do," he chuckled.

"She gets meds when she wakes up and then every 4 hours,"

"Eat with them?"

"Yep. She seemed like she was having a lot of trouble sleeping last night so her sleep aids are in the med cabinet. I checked with her doctor, there shouldn't be any interactions with her pain meds," He explained, getting Lyla and Riley's things for daycare that he was going to drop off. "I should be home right around 6,"

"Sounds good," Jay nodded, heading to the living room as Ryan left the home.


He pulled up to the small daycare center just as Hailey did but was shocked to see she was still driving the Jeep.

"Thought you were getting something new?" He asked, walking up and opening the back door.

"Jay ordered one," She sighed, "So it'll be a good 6 or 7 months,"

"Really? He had to special order a new car? Couldn't find one on the lot?"

"Do you know my husband or are you new here?" She chuckled, pulling Camden out of his car seat.

"Yeah I guess," he chuckled, "I'd order one for Lace if she wasn't so picky,"

"Yeah, you're better off just letting her pick it out," she chuckled, taking Camden toward the infant rooms while Ryan took Riley to her toddler room.

"Alright baby, daddy's gonna go to work and then I'll come to get you, we'll go get dinner for mama and then go home, sound good?" Ryan told the child, kneeling to her level to hug her.

"Otay daddy," Riley grinned, hugging Ryan tightly.

"Hey, I love you,"

"Wove you!" the toddler giggled, giving Ryan a quick kiss before she ran into her room and started playing with her little friends.

Ryan lifted the younger one up and headed back to her room, telling her the same thing even though she couldn't really talk back yet.

"I love you, little girl," Ryan said as kissed the little one's head and handed her over to the teacher.

Lyla whined and started reaching for Ryan as he headed toward the front of the building again meeting up with Hailey and heading back out to their cars.

"Be safe" Hailey told him, unlocking her Jeep as she got close to it.

"Yeah you too," Ryan replied, going to his truck and heading to District 21.

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