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"Lacey wake up!" Jay said as he shook his sister more. He finally checked her neck and was relieved to find a strong pulse.

They had no clue what was happening so Hailey called Will after finding the sleep aid while holding a fussy Riley. She then went and got an applesauce packet out to get something for Riley to eat since she was definitely hungry.

"Lacey. Wake. Up." Jay shook her again and harder, finally getting some movement out of his sister. "Lace come on." He sighed, tapping her cheek to get her moving. Even hit him. He didn't care.

"Jay? What are you doing here? What time is it?" Lacey mumbled, looking around very confused. "Where's Riley?" She asked, starting to get up quickly.

"Woah. Hold up. You were late for work and weren't answering any of us. It's almost 10:30. Riley is with Hailey. She got her some applesauce, she's okay. How many did you take?" He asked, picking up the bottle on the side table that Hailey had seen. 

"Just 2," she sighed slowly sitting up and leaning against the back of the couch.

"Will said to just keep her hydrated and watch her. He said she'll sleep it off," Hailey told them both, coming out of the kitchen with a water bottle.

"Drink it," Jay said, handing over the now open plastic bottle. Lacey nodded and took a few sips before getting a look from Jay, before drinking the rest. "I'm gonna call Voight,"

Hailey got her another bottle of water, sitting on the floor in front of her with Riley.

"I have no clue what happened Hail. I didn't sleep for 2 nights and I just felt so foggy. So I took the Tylenol and next thing I know I'm waking up to Jay in my face," Lacey sighed, remembering the events of the past few nights before drinking some of the second bottle.

"Have you never taken it before?" Hailey asked, looking up to her as Jay came back in.

"That was the first and last time," she sighed, leaning back again.

"Yeah you had us all nervous when you didn't show up, have you checked your phone?" She chuckled a little, handing it over to her.

"Oh god. 14 missed calls between you and Jay, Dani messaged about Riley, Kev texted me." She sighed, running her hands over her face before starting to answer them.

Kevin: Yo girl, you're never late. What's up?

Lacey: Took a sleep aid last night. Didn't hear my alarm, or Riley even.

Miss Dani: Hi Lacey, just wondering if you were bringing Riley in today? Just want to double-check since she's usually here.

Lacey Davis: So sorry Dani. She will not be in today. Staying home with mom.

Miss Dani: Thank you! See you tomorrow!

"Told Voight we're taking the rest of the day, no cases yet. Just paperwork." Jay spoke as he sat on the opposite end of the sectional. "We're also staying here with you until Ryan comes home,"

"What? Are you out of your mind? You're gonna pay rent on your beautiful apartment and let it sit vacant while you stay here for who knows how long. I'm not gonna let you do that," Lacey scoffed, watching both Hailey and Jay look at each other and back at her.

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