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After weeks of riding the desk, Ryan's doctors had cleared him for full duty, which pleased both of them. He'd talked to his sergeant and was very ready to get back out in the field.

"Riley down?" Ryan asked as Lacey walked in, removing the necklace and rings she wore every day and putting them on the dresser. The only one she ever left on was her wedding ring.

"Yeah, she's out." She grinned, slipping into bed with him, tossing extra pillows off to the side. "You ready to go back to full duty?"

"Yeah. I'm done with all the pod footage and case reports full time." He chuckled, rolling onto his side to face Lacey after doing the same to the extra pillows on his side.

"Just be careful, don't overdo it," Lacey slightly begged, worried about her husband going back on the job.

"Lace, you know you don't have to worry about me," Ryan chuckled, getting a little chuckle out of Lacey too.

"Coming from the man who was shot and just spent 2 months recovering," Lacey laughed, before getting pulled in by Ryan.

"I'll be fine," He smiled, kissing her forehead before they both got comfortable on their sides of the bed. Lacey smiled and grabbed Ryan's hand before settling in to sleep for the night.


Lacey was home before Ryan the next day and started on dinner as Riley was in her jumper. She'd done the one thing she said she'd never do and put on Cocomelon for her to watch, and Riley's eyes were glued to the TV. She'd heard the garage door open and Ryan's truck pull in before it shut off and her husband came through the door.

"Hey, how was work?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the vegetables she was cutting.

"Uh fine, they offered me an undercover assignment," Ryan told her slowly, watching her stop chopping and look at him.

"On your first day back? For how long?" She asked, setting the kitchen knife down and leaning on the counter.

"Few months maybe. Depends." He told her, hearing her sigh.

"When do they want you?"

"2 days. But I promise I'll do my best to come home to you and Riley. And this could be good for us. We'd get the extra money, pay more on the house, get something to replace that old Explorer," Ryan tried but Lacey was still a little emotional over it.

"Yeah. I guess. I...I just...Please try not to miss Riley's first birthday. Or get shot again," Lacey whispered, hugging Ryan tightly which he returned.

"I'll do my best Lace. You know I don't want to miss that,"

That night was very quiet in the Davis household, with dinner, a bath for Riley, and a night of cuddles between all 3 of them. Ryan and Lacey didn't usually cuddle through the night but that night they did. Ryan was wide awake, keeping an arm around Lacey who was asleep on his chest as he thought about the undercover assignment.


"How'd Lacey take the undercover news?" Garrett asked his partner as they got coffee the next morning.

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