Chapter 14

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Later that day at lunch you dramatically drop your english textbook on the table and groan.
Casey: What's wrong with you
You: My english teacher assigned us a fucking three page paper due monday
You fake sob into your hands
You: Anyways do you have plans tonight?
Casey: No...why?
You: Do you wanna go to the football game with me? I can pick you up
Casey: I mean yeah sure but why do YOU wanna go?
You: Sora asked me to go
Casey: That makes sense
You begin saying something else but quickly realize that Casey isn't listening, but instead staring at something behind you. You snap your fingers to get her attention
You: Casey what are you staring at???
You turn around and follow her gaze which leads to Kobe. You immediately turn back to Casey
You: Do you like Kobe???
Casey aggressively shakes her head
You *in a lower tone*: Oh my god you like Kobe!!! Since when??
Casey looks down at her lunch tray
Casey: First grade...
You: What? And you haven't made a move
Casey: Well we used to be like best friends but over time we just drifted apart but now I definitely don't have a chance
You: You never know if you don't try, I say give it a shot
Casey: Noooo
You: I'm gonna make you...after the game tonight just talk to him, ask him if he wants to get ice cream sometime or go to the movies
Casey rolls her eyes
Casey: Fine i guess...
You excitedly drum your hands on the table.
You: Yay! I hope it works out for you

You go pick up Casey from her house. She's dressed in a blue crop top with denim shorts and blue crocs. She has orange and blue streaks painted on her cheeks in order to represent the school colors and an orange ribbon tied around her ponytail. You are wearing shorts and an oversized orange t shirt with the words "Marian Hills High School" printed on the front in large blue lettering and an image of a tiger over the words.
You: You look so good!!
Casey: Thank you
You *jokingly*: If Kobe doesn't date you I will
Casey giggles. You guys talk and laugh a lot as you drive to the game. When you guys arrive you present your tickets at the gate and go inside. The bleachers are full of people so you struggle to find a spot. You guys sit somewhat near the top and wait for the game to begin. You search for Sora in the crowd of orange jerseys and eventually find him. He's number 22. You then look for Kobe for Casey, he's number 51.
You: Kobe is number 51 you should see if he actually has skill before you ask him out
Casey laughs. About 2 hours later the game comes to a close. Your school won with a score of 72-7.
Casey: I'm so nervous
You: Don't be, if he doesn't say yes he's just wrong because you're gorgeous
She takes a deep breath
Casey: Okay...
You guys walk onto the field and go your separate ways.
Casey: WAIT
She runs back over to you
Casey: What if he has a girlfriend??
You: Let's go find out
She follows you and you walk over to Sora. You run into his arms and he picks you. You wrap your legs around his waist and hug him tightly. You kiss his lips and he squeezes your ass. Casey clears her throat as a remind she's still there. Sora sets you down on the ground and laughs awkwardly
You: You played so good today!!!
Sora: Thank you!
You: Yeah yeah anyways I have a question
Sora: What's up?
You: Do you know if Kobe has a girlfriend?
Sora: He doesn't...
He gives you a suspicious look.
Sora: Why...?
You: I'm asking for Casey you idiot
Sora: Ohhh
You turn to Casey
Casey: See?? Now you have no excuse, go ask him
Sora: Yeah go, he's definitely into you too
Casey: Okay...
She turns and walks away
Sora: She likes HIM?
You: Apparently
Sora wraps his arms around your waist
Sora: Come to my place tonight?
You: I cant my mom is gonna...
Sora: Please
You: I mean I guess but I have to drop Casey off at her house first
Sora: Okay just meet me at my house
You: Okay
He gives you a kiss on your cheek and walks away and you smile. A few moments later Casey comes running back with a big smile on her face.
Casey: HE SAID YES!!!
You: I told you!! So when's the date
Casey: Tomorrow!!!
You both scream excitedly and talk about what she's gonna wear on the walk to the car. After you drop her off at her house you head to Sora's house and he's arriving at the same exact time. You park your car and meet him by the front door. You guys go inside and he pushes you up against the door and kisses you.
You: Was there a reason for that?
Sora: No...I just wanted to kiss you
You pull him closer to you and start to kiss him again. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he continues to kiss you. You're interrupted by a voice which startles you. You push away from him and he turns around.
Sora's Dad: Son?
Sora: Dad...I didn't know you guys were back...
His dad raises an eyebrow
Sora's Dad: Yeah...your mom and i decided to come back early
You cringe at the awkwardness of the conversation. Sora turns to you
Sora: Well um this is my this is Y/N
Sora's dad sticks his hand out for you to shake so you do.
Sora's Dad: Nice to meet you
You: Nice to meet you too
Suddenly his mom emerges into the room. She looks over to you then at Sora.
Sora's Mom: Who's this?
Sora's Dad: She's a friend of Sora's, her name is Y/N
Sora's Mom: Oh nice to meet you
You smile and wave and then finally find some words
You: Um i'm gonna get going if that's okay...nice to meet you guys
Sora's Mom: Oh sweetie why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow night??
Sora: Mom...
You smile
You: Oh I wouldn't want to interrupt your family time you know
Sora's Mom: Oh please you won't be interrupting anything, so we'll see you tomorrow night??
You nod your head
You: Okay I guess
Sora looks at you
Sora: I'll walk you out
You nod your head and he opens the door for you, closing it behind him.
You: That was...something
Sora: I'm sorry about my mom she can be a little...much sometimes
You: It's okay
You smile
You: So i guys i'll see you tomorrow
Sora: Yeah
You plant a kiss on his cheek then walk to your car. He doesn't go back inside until you've pulled away from his house.

p.s.- sorry this part was really long 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ but how do we think dinner is gonna go 😏🤭

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