Chapter 69

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After you leave the principal's office you go to the bathroom to calm yourself down. You decide to just stay there until the bell rings. Every time you walk into a class you can feel the stares on you and it makes you wanna disappear. It feels even worse at lunch. You just keep your head down as you walk to your table. When you sit down you sigh.
Casey: How are you?
You: Do you think I'm a slut?
Casey: No definitely not, I think you were just sad and you wanted to numb the pain
You: Yeah well it didn't work, it just made everything worse

At Sora's lunch table while all his friends are talking, he remains mostly silent, only laughing everyone once in a while. He's drawn back into the conversation when everyone starts gathering around someone's phone.
Sora: What are you guys looking at?
They all look over at him with concerned eyes
Kobe: You haven't seen..?
Sora: Seen what?
Kobe flips the phone and slides it across the table to Sora. He presses play on the video and his stomach sinks as he watches.
Avi: Isn't that your girl??
Sora sighs and slides the phone back to Kobe
Sora: Yeah...
Avi: So she's cheating on you? With Devin?
Sora: We aren't together right now...
Kobe: What? Why not?
Sora: I don't wanna talk about...I'll be right back
He leaves his own lunch table and walks over to yours. You can feel his presence before he speaks so you turn to face him
Sora: Can we talk...?
You: About?
Sora: Just talk? In private
You roll your eyes and look at Casey.
You: I'll be right back
Casey: Okay
You nod toward the door signaling for Sora to follow you outside. When you guys are outside you cross your arms.
You: What is it?
Sora: The video...I saw
You roll your eyes
You: Shit
Sora: Did you know he was recording?
You: No
Sora: Did you...actually have sex with him?
You: It's all right there in the video
Sora: I couldn't- I didn't watch the whole thing
You: I did
Sora: Why
You: Why...? Well shit I don't know, maybe because my fucking boyfriend cheated on me
Sora: I only kissed Hailey, I didn't have sex with her
You: It may have only been a kiss but YOU didn't feel guilty enough to tell me after
Sora: I should've told you sooner and I don't know what I need to do to make you see how sorry I am but I AM sorry, I regret what I did and I wanna take it back so bad
You: Watch the video
Sora: Why?
You: So you can feel how I feel
Sora: I know how you hurts
You: Good
You turn around and walk back towards the cafeteria doors.
Sora: Wait-
You: What
Sora: Just let me know if you need anything...if anyone's messing with you, if Devin does anything...
You: I can stand up for myself, I'll see you next period
You walk back into the cafeteria and he doesn't go back in until a while after you do.

Sora is walking to chemistry when Devin comes up next to him
Sora: What the fuck do you want?
Devin: You are...were, one lucky guy
Sora: What?
Devin: Your girl is pretty fucking sexy, that's what you got to see and hear any time you fucked her?
Sora: Shut the fuck up
Devin: I might have to give her another baby after this one is born
Suddenly Sora throws a punch at Devin. He stumbles backwards and Sora punches him again causing him to fall onto the floor. Sora hovers over him repeatedly punching him until blood begins to drip out of his nose and mouth
Sora: Don't ever say shit like that about my girlfriend again
He punches him again and Devin cries out in pain. You push your way through the crowd and try to pull Sora off of him. Sora keeps throwing punches until your successfully pull him away. You force him to look into your eyes
You: It's okay, it's fine just breathe, breathe
You can see he's still angry. The principal pushes through the crowd and looks at you, Sora, and Devin
Principal: All of you in my office...NOW and the rest of you get to class
The 3 of you silently follow behind him to his office. Perfectly enough there are 3 chairs lined up in front of the principal's desk. You guys sit down, with you sitting between Devin and Sora.
Principal: Fighting in the middle of the hallway? Really??
The assistant principal appears with a bag of ice and some tissues for Devin. She hands them to him and leaves.
Devin: I didn't start it and it really wasn't a fight
You: Yeah because you got your ass beat
Principal: Y/N...
You: Sorry
Principal: Does this fight have anything to do with this video?
Sora: Yes
Devin: No
You remain silent
Principal: Devin, did you or did you not create and share that video?
Devin: I recorded it...but I only showed one person
Principal: And Y/N is that or is that not you in the video
You: It is me but he recorded without my consent
Principal: Devin are you aware that's child pornography, which is ILLEGAL
Devin: I know but-
The principal turns his attention to Sora for a moment
Principal: I'm letting you off with a warning but if you EVER fight on this campus again you'll be expelled.
Sora: Yes sir
He looks over at you.
Principal: You're both free to leave
You push both push your chairs out and exit his office. You begin to part ways with Sora but he stops you.
Sora: Wait
You turn around
You: What?
Sora: I don't want you to be mad at me anymore
You: And I wanna feel like you love me...but I guess we can't always get what we want
He takes a deep breathe in
Sora: I just thought-
You: What? You thought that I'd take you back because you stood up for me?? I don't need a fucking knight in shining armor, I need my BOYFRIEND, I need my child's FATHER, I NEED someone who will love me even at my worst and until you can prove that you can be that, I don't wanna be with you
Tears begin to form in his eyes
Sora: I love you...I do
You: I love you too but you can say I love you a million doesn't change anything
You make your way to class and he takes a different route in order to avoid having to walk the same direction as you.

One the way home from school you decide to go to Chick-fil-A to satisfy your craving. You eat in your car then head home. When you arrive Sora isn't downstairs. You go upstairs and he isn't in the bedroom either. You don't even feel like looking for him so you just flop down on the bed. Somehow you end up falling asleep. You're awaken by him lightly tapping your shoulder.
Sora: Can I show you something...please?
You: I guess
You stretch and follow him to where he's leading you. He leads you to a room down the hall and you realize you've never been in there before. When he opens the door he reveals the baby's nursery. Right across from the door, in front of the window is a crib. On one side of the crib there is a rocking chair  and on the other side there is a nightstand. The window is covered with a blue ceiling. On the right wall there is a small couch and on the left wall there is a changing table combined with a dresser. The sight of the room makes you smile.
You: This is for the baby?
Sora: Yes, I've been working on it for a while because I wanted it to be a surprise, I hope you like
You: I love it
Sora: The couch is just in case he's restless, you or me can sleep there if we don't feel like going back an forth...I was losing motivation to finish it but what you said in the hallway inspired me, I want to be your boyfriend and someday more than that, I want to be the best dad our baby could have, I want to be someone who loves you, and I want to be a happy family, I know that no amount of apologies can make up for what I did but I will never hurt you again, I promise, and I'm so so sorry I ever did hurt you
You: I forgive you...I'm sorry too, I was upset and I wanted to hurt you back but I took it too far
Sora: It's okay, I get it.
You wrap your arms around him and he hugs you tight. He plants a kiss on your forehead and you smile.
You: I thought of a better name
Sora: What is it?
You: Roman, and his middle name can be Prince, Roman Prince SImmons
Sora: Sounds royal, I love it
You: So you agree? We should name him Roman
Sora smiles
Sora: I agree 100%
You smile and kiss him softly
You: I'm so excited to meet him
Sora: Me too

p.s.- Shy helped w the name 🏃🏽‍♀️🌝

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