Chapter 16

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Monday morning at school you immediately find Casey. You haven't talked to her all weekend.
Casey: I NEED to tell you about my date with Kobe
You: Spill!!!
Casey: Okay so we went to like this cute little ice cream shop near the beach, and of course he ordered for me and payed but the best part is WE KISSED AT THE END OF THE DATE and he is an amazing kisser like oh my god
You: That's so great Casey, now imagine if you never asked him out
Casey: Ugh I know...but how was meeting Sora's parents
You: Awkward as hell, i mean they're nice people but i just could not deal with having a whole meal with them and-
Suddenly it comes to your memory that you have an english paper english paper that you didn't do
Casey: What?
You: I forgot to do my fucking english's worth 150pts
Casey: Ask for an extension, who's your english teacher
You: Mrs. Garner
Casey: Oh nevermind...she's stingy so good luck with that
You groan in frustration and then the bell rings. Casey pats your shoulder
Casey: I'll see you at lunch
The two of you part ways and you head to first period. First and second period go by pretty fast but third period, english feels like a drag. When the bell rings dismissing class you approach your teacher.
You: Hi Mrs. Garner
She doesn't look up at you and continues typing something on her computer
Mrs. Garner: How can I help you Y/N
You: I was wondering if i could have an extension on the paper, it completely slipped my mind this weekend and i- even if it's just for partial credit please
She stops typing and looks up you over her glasses instead of through them.
Mrs. Garner: I'm afraid I can't, you knew the due date and had all weekend to work on it, sorry Y/N
You: It's okay...I understand
You turn and walk away and roll your eyes on the way out the door. When lunch time comes around you can't wait to find Sora and vent to him about how much of a bitch your teacher is. You see him but he's talking to a girl. She has black curly hair and she's actually very pretty. She places his hand on her shoulder and laughs and he laughs too. You're extremely confused. You decide to go over there. Sora looks over to you and so does the girl he's talking to.
You: Hey
Sora: Hey
You: What's up?
Sora: Uh nothing..
It's as if he can sense the tension in your voice, so he introduces you to the girl
Sora: Um Y/N this is Tatyana, Tatyana this is my friend Y/N
Tatyana: Hi!!
You look over at Sora with nothing but anger
You: Friend?
Sora looks at you with confusion
Sora: Yeah I mean...
You: Okay cool
You smile at Tatyana
You: Nice to meet you
You then turn and walk away, your face burning with rage. A few minutes later you hear Sora following behind you.
Sora: Y/N why are you so upset
You turn around to face him, if you could you'd slap him in the face.
You: Why am I upset??? Well first of all you're letting this girl blatantly flirt with you and then i come over and you basically deny me???
Sora: What do you mean
You: You think we're just fucking friends??? After i met your fucking parents and sat through that awkward dinner for YOU and let YOU take my virginity but yeah of course we can be "just friends"
Sora: I didn't know you wanted to be considered more than a friend
You: How??
You take a step back after he raises his voice. He looks at you with concern in his eyes, realizing his mistake.
You: Fuck you
Sora: I don't get it Y/N...why are you pushing me away...? Is it something having to do with your dad?
You: Why would you say that...
Sora: I'm sorry I just-
You: Whatever Sora. I don't wanna fight with you right now
You turn and walk away from him, your eyes filling with tears. You wonder how you guys are already fighting and you're not even officially together?

p.s.- is shit going downhill already? 🫣

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