Chapter 70

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You take a seat on the couch to test out how comfortable it is.
You: It feels nice
Sora: That's good
He sits down next to you and you smile.
You: I hate being mad at you
Sora: Then why do you do it?
You: Because if I never get mad at you, you'll never learn
Sora: Maybe that's true
You smile
You: It is true
Sora: So...what's the situation with your mom now?
You: Well the doctors actually said that she's okay to live on her own when she's discharged so she's just gonna move back in to our old house
Sora: Oh okay...I'm happy she's getting better
You: too
You lay your head on his shoulder and take a deep breath of relief because now the only thing you have to worry about is getting everything perfect for the arrival of your baby.

You're 9 months pregnant which means the baby is due any minute now. It is the 4th of July and you and Sora are setting up for a small get together.
You: Can you believe this is our last party before we're actually parents
Sora: I know, time flies
You: This baby is gonna be coming any day now
Sora: Well he's overdue isn't he?
You: Yes, he's very stubborn
Sora giggles
You place one hand on your stomach and one on your lower back. Just then the doorbell rings. You look down at your phone to check the time. You raise an eyebrow
You: It's early
Sora: It's probably Casey and Kobe, I told them they could come early
You: Oh okay
You go to answer the door and it feels like it takes you forever to get there. When you finally open it Casey smiles.
Casey: Happy 4th of July!!
She gives you a hug and you smile before letting her into the door.
Casey: I still can't believe he hasn't been born yet
You giggle
You: I know right, it's like he doesn't wanna come out
Casey: I'm due next week so hopefully she's on time.
You: Yeah I hope so too
You and Casey sit down on the couch and continue talking. A little while later more people arrive.
You: I'm gonna go look for Sora
Casey: Okay
You go outside to the patio where most people are and looking around for Sora. You almost bump into some people. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You press your hand against a table for support and squeeze your eyes shut. When the pain goes away you continue to look for Sora. When you finally find him you tap his shoulder
You: Hey
Sora: okay?
You: Yeah I just-
You feel another sharp pain in your stomach, this one ten times worse than the one before. You cry out in pain which draws some attention to you.
You: Jesus fucking christ
You feel more pain and by now your eyes are watering with tears. You try to catch your breath.
Sora: Babe are you okay?
Sora: Okay okay, alright, let's go inside
You nod your head and Sora grabs your hand leading you inside. He sits you down on the couch next to Casey and looks at her.
Sora: She's having contractions, we have to go to the hospital but first I have to get some things so will you stay with her?
Casey: Yeah of course
She rubs your back and suddenly you feel something wet running down your legs
You: I think my water just broke
Casey: Oh god...okay it's gonna be fine just-
You cry out in pain from another contraction
Casey: Just breathe alright-
Casey: Okay I'm sorry
A few moments later Sora appears down the stairs with 2 bags, both his parents following behind him. He looks at them as he approaches you.
Sora: I'm gonna get her to the hospital, you guys can meet us there
He looks over at Casey as well
Sora: You can too
She nods and then helps Sora to pull you off the couch. Once you're standing he places your arm over his shoulder to help you walk. Casey opens the front door and the car door and Sora carefully places you in the passenger seat. He puts the bags in the trunk and then climbs in the passenger seat. He quickly pulls out the driveway and drives as fast as he can.
You: Can you call my mon
Sora: I will when we-
You feel another contraction and you scream.
Sora: Alright okay
He calls your mom to let her know what's happening and a little while later you guys arrive at the hospital. He helps you out the car and when you guys get inside the hospital he approaches the front desk.
Nurse: What can I help you with??
Sora: My girlfriend is in labor
Nurse: Okay, just one moment and we'll have someone to help her
Sora: Okay
You guys stand there for a few moments while the nurse makes a phone call. You guys are then helped by another nurse who has a wheel chair. She sits you down in the wheel chair.
Nurse: Do you know how far apart your contractions have been?
You: No I haven't been paying attention
Nurse: Oh that's okay, we'll start monitoring them
You: Okay
You have another contraction and you try to catch your breath. Once you're in the hospital room the nurse helps you into a hospital gown and then get you on the bed
Nurse: I'm gonna get the doctor so she can check on everything okay?
You: Okay
Sora rubs holds your hand as you breathe deeply. A little while later the doctor comes in. She checks everything then looks at the nurse
Doctor: She's about 6cm dilated, page me when she's at 10
Nurse: Okay
Over time your contractions get further and further apart. When the doctor comes back you know it's time for you to push. The doctor sits at the edge of the bed and looks at you.
Doctor: Alright I know it's gonna hurt but I'm gonna need you to push for me okay?
You nod your head and then push with all your strength.
Doctor: Okay good good, now push again.
You push again and you're starting to sweat.
Doctor: Do you need a break
You shake your head and push again, squeezing Sora's hand as you do so. It hurts a lot and you're struggling to breathe
Doctor: You're alright you're okay, you're doing great, can you push again for me
You: I can't I can't
Doctor: I know it hurts but you can I promise
Sora: Baby you can okay? I believe in you
Doctor: After this you'll just need to push a few more times and the baby will be out okay?
You: Okay...
You find the strength to push again and you scream in pain.
Doctor: I can see the little head, the baby is almost here okay?
You nod and then push again. Your body feels weak and you're still struggling to breathe
Doctor: One more time honey, one more time
You push one last time and you cry. You're relieved when you hear a baby crying.
Doctor: Your beautiful baby boy is here
You take a sigh of relief and you tears of pain turn into tears of happiness. After the nurse cleans him off and swaddles him she hands him to you. You hold him in your arms and smile. You look over at Sora
You: He's adorable
Sora: He is
You: You wanna hold him?
Sora: Of course
You hand him to him and Sora smiles. A few tears fall from his eyes. He quietly talks to the baby and smile. After you're cleaned up they allow your family and friends to come in. You smile because you're so happy to be surrounded by so many people you love

You quietly let yourself out of Romans room and sigh. Sora looks at you.
You: He's finally asleep and I'm so tired
Sora follows you to the room and you lay down on the bed. He lays down next to you and faces you.
You: I love him so much
Sora: I do too
You: But he's so much work
Sora giggles
Sora: Yeah but he's so worth it
You: Yeah
You look up at the ceiling and just think. However you're snapped out of your thoughts by something Sora says.
Sora: Marry me
You quickly turn your head
You: What?
Sora: Marry me
He climbs out of bed and pulls a ring out his drawer. You smile and your eyes begin to water.
Sora: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and our son, I love you so so much so, will you marry me?
You: Yes yes yes oh my god yes
Sora: Good
He smiles and slides the ring onto your finger.

Minister: Do you Sora take Y/N to be your wife?
Sora: I do
Minister: And do you Y/N take Sora to be your husband
You: I do
Minister: And by the power vested in me I now declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.
You smile and Sora leans in to kiss you. You kiss him back and he lifts you up. You smile happily because after all the pain you've faced, you never expected your life to turn out like this.

p.s.- and the story is DONE, I hope you guys liked it and tonight I'm gonna start my new story 🫣 and thank you for supporting my stories I really appreciate it and you guys always motivate me to write ❤️

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