Chapter 50

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It's been a few weeks since your gender reveal. It's also the day of the state championships and you couldn't be more excited. You and Casey are getting ready together at her house since the boys are already on their way to the game with the rest of the team.
You: I'm so excited but so nervous
Casey: Same, i'm not looking forward to the aftermath if they don't win
You giggle a little
You: Right
Casey: haven't said anything about my gender're still doing it right?
You: Um duh, i'd be a horrible friend of I didn't do it
Casey smiles
Casey: You're right about that
You: Do you know how far away the school where they're having the game is?
Casey: Uhhh no but I can check, where is it again?
You: South Bay High
Casey types the name of the school into google
Casey: About 2 and half hours away
You check the time on your phone
You: Fuck we gotta go soon if we wanna be early to get good seats, because my fucking pregnant lady bladder won't survive two and a half hours without having to piss and we're gonna stop for food right?
Casey: Yeah, where are we gonna go?
You: I'm lowkey craving Chick-fil-a
Casey: Oh my god same
You: So we should probably leave like now...the line at Chick-fil-a is always long as hell
You finish off your makeup then gather your things.
You: Are we taking my car or yours
Casey: We can take mine, I just got gas yesterday
You: Okay
You guys head out to her car. She unlocks it and you get into the passenger side.
You: I'm not looking forward to this
Casey: I know right
You guys first stop at Chick-fil-a for food, the line doesn't take as long as you guys expected which is good. Casey turns on her GPS for directions to the school. About 30 minutes into the drive you feel like your bladder is gonna explode
You: I have to fucking pee
Casey: Seriously?
You: I'll make it quick I promise
Casey rolls her eyes a bit
Casey: Fine
She pulls off at the nearest rest stop and you quickly use the restroom. Surprisingly you don't have to go again until you guys make it to the game. Your eyes widen as you guys pull into the parking lot
You: This might as well be a fucking college, it's a huge and fancy
Casey: Right
You: I hate to break it to you but I have to pee
Casey: Me too actually
You guys go use the bathroom then go to the entrance to have your tickets scanned. You guys are about 15 minutes early but the stands are already starting to fill up. You guys struggle to find good seats
Casey: Maybe we should pull the pregnancy card
You: We're not even showing yet, nobody will believe us
Casey rolls her eyes
Casey: You're right
You guys eventually find okay seats. A bit later the band starts playing and the music is almost deafening. The game kicks off around 7.
Announcer: Well come to this years state championship game!! Tonight we have South Bay High School playing against Marian Hills High School! Whoever wins tonight's game will be declared the state champions so let's welcome both our teams onto the field!!
The band of the opposing team begins to play as their football players run onto the field. The cheering is loud for them since they're the home team. Then your team comes onto the field, there's cheers and applause for them but not as much. Both teams position to begin the game. The clock then starts. A few moments later the opposing team scores a touchdown.
Announcer: It's already a good game for South Bay with number 13 scoring the first touchdown of the night!!!
The scoreboard changes, awarding South Bay 6 points.
Announcer: South Bay will now try for a field goal for an extra point!!
Number 13 from their team kicks the ball but doesn't make it
Announcer: Anddd number 13 misses but that's okay!! South Bay is in the lead with 6 points
The clock starts again. Your teams QB has the ball and he makes a pass to Sora.
Announcer: Number 22 with the ball makes a run for the end zone...
Announcer: And he makes it!!! That's a touchdown for Marian Hills!!!
You and Casey cheer excitedly. Sora then kicks for the field goal. You cross your fingers hoping that he'll make it and he does. You clap your hands and cheer for him.
Announcer: Marian Hills is in the lead with 7 points!!!
The game continues on. It is now the last few seconds of the 4th quarter.
Announcer: It's a tight game with a score of 37-36, Marian Hills is in the lead but that could all change with this play...
The clock starts again and the ball is passed to Kobe. He successfully makes it to the end zone.
Announcer: Number 49 scores the game winning touchdown and with that Marian Hills High School are the new state champions!!!
Casey: OH MY GOD!!!
You and her both cheer excitedly and scream at the top of your lungs. Supporters of the other team boo and whine but you and Casey continue to celebrate as the team celebrates on the field. However it's now time to celebrate another event.
You: I have to use the restroom, i'll be right back
Casey: Okay
You don't actually go to the restroom. Instead you meet with the principal of South Bay and retrieve a microphone and a fake football from him, you then walk over to Sora
You: Ready?
Sora: For sure
You both walk into the middle of the field you hold the microphone to your mouth and speak into it
You: Is this thing on?? oh yes it is...hi everyone
People turn their attention to you, even those who are trying to leave. Casey looks extremely confused.
You: Well that was quiet a game right?
There's a mixture of cheers and boos
You: But win or lose we could all use a little more joy right now right??
The crowd agrees a bit
You: And what brings more joy than babies!!
The crowd looks confused but they clap anyways
You: I'd like to invite my best best friend Casey and her boyfriend Kobe out onto the field to reveal the gender of their beautiful baby.
You smile excitedly and the crowd cheers. A smile spreads across Casey's face and she makes her way onto the field. Kobe makes his way to the middle of the field. Once they're both their you continue speaking.
You: To go with todays event, the theme of this gender reveal will be touchdowns or tiaras, i have right here a football, and inside it is either pink or blue powder, i'm going to have Kobe kick it and whatever colors comes out will reveal the gender of the baby
You look over at Kobe
You: Ready?
He nods his head and you set the ball down in front of him. Casey holds her hands over her mouth in anticipation. Kobe then kicks the ball and pink powder flies out. The crowd claps excitedly
She excitedly hugs Kobe and he plants a kiss on her lips. After they celebrate for a moment you begin talking again.
You: Thank you to South Bay for letting me do this, I hope all of you have a good night!
You pass the microphone back to a staff member and celebrate with Casey.
Casey: This was fucking amazing Y/N thank you so much
She gives you a hug and you smile
Casey: You definitely out did me
You giggle
Casey: Im kinda bummed my parents weren't here to see how amazing this was though
You: Are you crazy, i wouldn't rest until they came
You point them out to her in the stands and she waves. Her eyes water with tears a little and she smiles
Casey: Thank you so so much
You: Of course
You hug her and she smiles, wiping the tears of joy away from her eyes.

p.s.- this was Shy's idea 🌝🌝 and i almost didn't update today 💀💀

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