Chapter 39

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When you wake up the next morning your eyes are puffy from crying. The morning sickness kicks in almost immediately so you go to the bathroom as fast as you can. You kneel down in front of the toilet and throw up. You throw up so much that your body feels weak. The sound of your vomiting must wake up Sora because he appears in the bathroom
Sora: You okay?
You: No
Sora: Maybe you should drink some water
You cover your face with your hands and shake your head
You: I will before we leave
Sora: Okay
You brush your teeth and do everything else to get ready for school. On the way to school you're lost in your thoughts
Sora: What are you thinking about?
You: What's it gonna be like when I start showing? People are gonna look at me weirdly aren't they?
Sora: Maybe, but even if they do it doesn't matter what they think as long as you're happy
You: I guess you're right
He pulls into a space in the parking lot
Sora: I know right
You guys head into school and he kisses your forehead before you guys part ways. You meet up with Casey.
You: Are you okay?
Casey: I feel like shit, you?
You: I also feel like shit, Sora told his parents yesterday that i'm pregnant again
Casey: How did it go?
You: His mom is not thrilled, i think she hates me
Casey: I doubt she hates you, she's probably just shocked
You: Yeah maybe, anyways what's up with you?
She seems to get nervous and a little tense
Casey: Me? Nothing
You: Okay...?
You pull your phone out your back pocket and scroll through Instagram
Casey: Actually can I tell you something?
You: Yeah of course
Casey: I'm pregnant too, I just found out last night but I thought since I know about yours you deserve to know about mine
You: Awww congratulations!!!
Casey: Thank you
You: Of course...I'm kinda shocked though
Casey: Why?
You: Well I always thought you were a virgin
Casey: I WAS, Kobe was my first
You: So the baby is his?
Casey: Duh
You: Have you told him yet?
Casey: No, I feel like he might freak out
You: Tell him whenever you're ready, he'll understand
Casey: Yeah sure...
You: I promise you he will, he seems super sweet
Casey: Yeah you're right
You: But this is so exciting!!! Like our kids are gonna be able to grow up together and stuff, well I mean if you're keeping it
Casey: I think I am gonna keep it
You: Yayy! Oh my god i'm so happy for you
You give her a hug
Casey: Thank you
You: Tell me everything, all your appointments and stuff, like everything
Casey: Of course
The bell then rings and you guys head to class

You meet Sora by the car. You guys are going to the hospital to tell your mom about the pregnancy and also follow up for a date on her surgery.
Sora: Are you nervous to tell her
You: A little but her reaction can't be much worse than your moms
Sora: True I guess...I hope my mom apologizes to you today.
You: Yeah, me too
When you guys arrive at your moms hospital room you take a deep breath to prepare yourself. You walk over to your moms bed.
You: Hey mom
Your Mom: Hi honey
Her voice seems stronger than last time which makes you happy
You: How are you
Your Mom: As good as I can get
You pull a chair over by her bed and sit down.
You: What have the doctors been saying
Your Mom: I'm cleared for surgery next week, you just need to sign off
You: That's great, i'm so happy!
Your Mom: Yeah me too
You both pause for a moment
You: Can I tell you something
Your Mom: Sure
You: I'm pregnant...again
Your Mom: Oh...
You: Are you mad?
Your Mom: No...just surprised, how far along are you?
You: Two months
Your Mom: And the baby's healthy?
You: Yes
Your Mom: Good, i'm glad, are you keeping it?
You: Yes, sorry to make you a grandma so young
Your mom giggles.
Your Mom: That's okay
You: Thank you for not being upset
Your Mom: Trust me i learned my lesson from that.
You smile and kiss her hand.
You: Well i'll let you rest, i love you
Your Mom: Love you too
You and Sora exit the room.
You: That went better than I expected
Sora: It did
You smile and hold his hand.

When you guys arrive home, Sora's mom is waiting by the door. Your smile fades a little
Sora's Mom: Y/N can we talk?
You: Sure
Sora's Mom: I wanted to im sorry for what I said yesterday, it was out of line and wrong and i shouldn't have said those mean things about you
You: It's okay, you were just upset
Sora's Mom: Yes but i'm not anymore, me and Sora's dad will support you, both of you
You: Thank you
Sora's Mom: Of course
She gives you a hug and you smile. You and Sora then begin to head upstairs but before he goes, he mouths the words "thank you" to his mom. She just smiles.

p.s.- Shy gave me this idea 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️

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